Chapter 5

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I watched in new profound arrogance as the soldier enclosed me in the cell before leaving, and even then I continued to watch his stiff back, reveling in his obvious discomfort and fear. He should be afraid. As soon as I hone this power all of them will feel my wrath for doing this to me and being accomplices in my abduction. There's one thing that these silver spooned pantsies don't know about a gutter rat and that is that we always make our way out of tough spots.


My mother always called me the innovative one of her children. She said I was strong willed; rash but determined. She even admitted that it scared her sometimes but that it might be best to be this way in the world nowadays. She's right. Even though I masked my hurt at her revelation of being scared of me, I never once acknowledged my trait as something bad. If anything I honed it, especially after dad and sister left to spite them. So that when they did show back up, I would cast them aside and tell them we don't need them anymore. It was a stupid thing to think because it was obvious they were never coming back and my bitterness turned to an everlasting anger that grew and stayed with me to this day. It kept me alive. It kept me able to feel something.

With a heavy sigh I turned from the glass of the enclosure and made my way to the cot finding it pretty lush to say that this was supposed to be jail. It's sad that a jail cot is even more luxurious than my bed at home.


My heart bristled at the thought of seeing my mom again. To comfort her that I'm alive and well. My mother can't survive without me. She can't work due to chronic joint pain, stiffness in her knees and elbows along with her weak heart. She succumbed to fainting spells that have been happening a lot frequently as of late and I can only imagine how she is doing now. She must be so afraid and alone.

I'm all she has left.

That somber thought lit something in me again. I'm going to get out of here and if I have to take someone's life to do so I will.

"You do prove to be troublesome..." Giselle's voice sighed at me through my cell and I rolled my eyes to mask my surprise at her sudden appearance. I thought I wouldnt see her again but of course that was too much wishful thinking. I stood from the lush cot to walk my way to where she stood on the other side of the glass enclosure. She was dressed stylishly in a very red fitted dress that hugged her figure just right, making the red silky fabric of the dress shimmer in the harsh white light of the corridor. Her ashen white hair matched her pale skin tone strikingly and the light made her glow, basking her in an other worldly type ambiance. She then gave me that cynical smile and I scoffed at her.

There are two reasons why Giselle would be down here to see me; either to whisk me back into the lab or to taunt me like the annoying bitch she is. All of these Elitist's are the same; born into riches they never had any wants or needs so they don't know the value of anything, like their sanity. I've noticed they're all some type of insane in a way and I can only imagine the fucked up shit they have done to make themselves the way they are. Well fuck it. If they want to play games I will too, starting with this waste of flesh. It would be pretty rewarding to see if she does have a heart within that pale, cold carcass of hers. Hell, maybe it'll help me in the long run if she does. If I am able to gain even the slightest bit of sympathy from her I'm going to use it to my advantage so I have to put on my best act to get some reaction from her.

I sighed wearily and placed my head on the glass in the most lonesome gesture that I could manage. When her tiny feet stepped up to the glass slowly, I suppressed my smile of triumph.

"This has been so tiresome, Giselle." I spoke quietly in a small voice. I heard her sigh and looked up into her glossy, disconnected gaze. The gaze of a psychopath.

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