Chapter 42: By The Powers Of Azerath...

Start from the beginning

Robin stood up with a painful groan and regained his footing, before his attention was caught by the sound of his communicator ringing at his side. He looked at it with confusion and worry, before answering it.

"Peter?" He said, staring at the image of the rusted ceiling of the foundary. "Peter! You there?!"

Nobody answered and instead all Robin heard was the faint sounds of a battle just outside the building. He could hear the sounds of energy blasts, the crashing of rock and rubble, and the sounds of webs shooting quickly and steadily. Suddenly the sounds stopped and Robin couldn't hear anything at all. Meanwhile, the other Titans were oblivious to Robin on the sidelines as they traded blows with the monster and took just as many in return.

"Peter!" Robin shouted into the communicator. "Can you hear me?!"

Suddenly he could hear the faint sounds of screaming from outside the building on the other end of the line.

It was Peter's voice.

Robin immediately shot to his feet and rushed over to his friends side in a panic.

"Peter's in trouble!" Robin shouted as they squared off against the clone.

Raven's eyes widened with panic and she snapped her head to their leader.

"What?!" She shouted, immediately floating over to him. "What do you mean?!"

"I got a call from him, but he wasn't there." Robin explained. "All I could hear was Peter fighting what sounded like a lot of people." He looked over to Beastboy. "He was fighting Terra."

Beastboy gasped with shock and looked down with sorrow and worry. "What?! No! Why would she-"

"Because I was right about her!" Raven shouted, floating over to get in his face.

Beastboy reeled back in slight fear. "Raven, I-"

"Shut up!" She interrupted, before turning away from the Titans.

"Raven, we need to deal with this first!" Robin argued.

She glanced back at them as they squared off against the creature, before turning back around and opening a black portal against the side of a building and disappearing behind it.

When she came out the other side, she was standing in front of the foundary. She saw the destruction lying around the place immediately. The front walls of the foundary were blown out, exposing even more destruction inside. The ground was caved in in many spots from Terra ripping chunks of earth from the ground. Scorch marks and webs littered the area.

Then she turned around and saw him lying there in his stomach, a puddle of blood pouring out across the dirt.

Raven's heart sank and she immediately flew over to him as fast as she could. "Peter!" She cried.

She rolled him over and saw the gaping wound across his stomach gushing blood. His eyes rolled back as he barely remained conscious, before his eyes met hers.

"Ra... ven." He said weakly.

"Peter, I'm here." She said, trying her best to hold back her sobbing.

She wrapped her arms around him and could feel the ground beneath them begin to crack from her powers. She looked back down at him with tears in her eyes.

"This... Can't... Be over." He said weakly.

"Peter, I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

"This... Is what we... Do." He said, weakly clutching her hand with this. "Don't stop... Being you." He said as tears rolled down her face into his and the walls of the foundary began to give way behind them. The sky above them began to darken with clouds and thunder rolled in. "Don't... Destroy... H-..."

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