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It's been six months; a lot has changed. We finally moved in my grandfather's house with my mom, stepdad, and Alyssa and Vlad. Just one little problem, I haven't told Lys the full truth, and she needs to know. I just need to find the right time to tell her, Or I thought I needed too.... That's when she walked in and asked me a question.

"Who is Hel?" She asked.

"She is a ex why?" I spoke. Uh oh this is not good; I have a feeling she found out.

"Then why is she telling me you cheated on her with me?" She asked.

"Um im not sure but are you sure she isn't confused with Kendall?" I asked.

Which would make more since because Kendall was just a rebound after Lys left with Axel.

"Maybe, I will ask her. " she said

"Okay." I said.

Maybe this wont turn bad after all.  Just hopefully Hel wont tell Lyssa everything. Such as the part where I came to her for about every little argument Lys and I had or the fact that I tried to get with her, cause in all honestly I didn't think Alyssa and I would stay together.


"Hey Hel." I texted her 

"Hey Alyssa, what's up? " She replied back

"Just wanted to know if you got confused with the other girl Kendall about him cheating on you with me. Cause when you said he was seeing her, I was with Abel my oldest son's dad at the time." I spoke

"Maybe, that's who it was, but he talked to me a few months ago stating that he didn't know if Ya'll were serious " she said back

"Well, I mean were married now so i mean he kind of needs to make up his mind on who he wants, cause if it's not me then I'm not going to stay or be a rebound." I said back. 

" I totally agree with you, and you shouldn't have to deal with that, not only that it's kind of too late for him not only do you two have a kid together but he did marry you too so." She spoke

"Agreed." I replied back.

Not sure what's going on, but I will get to the bottom of this.

"Hey sweetheart, what did she say when you asked her if it was about Kendall?" He spoke.

"you told her that you didn't know if we were serious? Really Ace? WE ARE MARRIED!" I yelled.

"Okay before you yell at me more, this was before WE GOT MARRIED." I yelled back.

"Not the point Ace you told Hel this while I was pregnant, and four weeks BEFORE we got married." I said

"Look I know it looks bad, I just didn't know what to do, I was scared you were going back to Axel even if he had to beg you to come back...I lost you once to him, I can't let it happen again." He said looking at his hands.

"Look, next time just tell me the truth...." I said back.

" I think I can do that." He said looking down at me smiling.

"You mean that?" I asked looking up at him

"Yes babe, I love you." He said kissing my forehead

"I love you too." I said back.

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