THE VISIT (chapter 3)

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Alyssa Pov
I'm finally in the car with my dad and Axel.
"We need to stop and get gas" my dad said. "May I get a snack and a drink please? I asked with puppy dog eyes. "yes you may" my dad said while pulling out his walled. " No disrespect sir, but I would like to pay. "Axel spoke. " You don't have to do that." my dad said to him. "I know but you came three hours out of your way to pick me up, when you didn't have to, so please just let me pay?" he said "okay fine I'll let you pay, but Sunday when we take you back to campus, I'm paying." he said with a little smile.
"yes sir" Axel chuckled.
we get home at 6 pm. " hey honey" my mom said when I walked into the house. " Hey mama." I said back. "Well, are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" she asked. "Axel meet my mom, mom meet Axel." I spoke
"it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" Axel said
"The pleasure is all mine, Axel." she said smiling.
My brother jay walks in and ask, "Lyssa will you play MW3 with me please?" he asked
"Yeah, if you don't cheat." I replied. "But I don't cheat." he said back. "We shall see about that."
we start heading to his room and start playing, right in the middle of the game, I shouted out "YOUR A CHEATER!" I yelled while throwing the controller at him, by that time Axel comes running in " what the hell is going on in here? "He asked. "Jay is cheating!" I spoke
"I'm not cheating, I'm just better than her and she's getting mad." he said.
"You keep looking at my screen to figure where I am so there for, you're a cheater! I screamed.
"Okay Lyssa calm down it's just a game you will live." Axel said. "Whatever go ahead and take his side." I said slamming the controller into his chest and then left to go back in my room. In the middle of throwing my stuff out of my closet Axel is at the door telling me how childish I am. "why are you acting like a child over a fucken game, you're 17 starts acting like it." he said in his stern voice. "I'm not acting like a child, if anything you're acting like an asshole, now if you excuse me, you can exit the way you entered." I spoke. "Oh, hell no, you're not about to call me an asshole and get away with it." he said raising his hand at me. " I swear if you try and hit me, it's not going to be good for you." I spoke. " Maybe stop being childish and I wouldn't have to raise my hand at you." he said. " You know what, you can go fuck yourself. I'm going out for the night." I said pushing him out the way to go to my parents' bedroom "hey mama. I'm going out for the night; I'm going to go sleep at winters house tonight." I spoke.
the next morning, I come home, and the house is quiet. so, I sneak to my room and fall back asleep before Axel finds out I was out all night. "Hey babe." he gently shakes me. "I want to go back to sleep." I spoke. "Okay sweetheart I love you." he said kissing me on the forehead. "Love you too" I said falling back to sleep.

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