OVER AND OVER AGAIN (chapter 14)

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            I don't know what is about Alyssa that makes me crazy, but ever since I walked out on her and Abel; I have been regretting it and now because of my stupidity she has another man playing "family" with my girl and son. There were mine first. I get it Alyssa and Ace went to Highschool together but damn I had her and yet I let my own insecurities fuck it up.

     I started thinking about how we would have ended up if I just grew a fucken pair, and not ran away. Then I heard a knock on the door to bring me back to reality. 

"Hey man" Jax said coming in.

" How have you been bud?" I asked.

"I've been okay just got engaged, how about you?" He asked back.

"Nothing really just been thinking about a lot of shit." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Is it about Alyssa?" He asked.

All I could do at this point was look at him and nod.

" It's okay to be upset or wonder about the what ifs." Jax said patting my back.

"It's not about any of that man, the point is that I lost out on my FAMILY, the girl that would take a bullet for me, my son that would have given me the only reason to live. Now she has a man, playing daddy with MY son, and that is not okay with me Jax." I said almost balling in tears. 

"It's okay dude, just try and call her." He told me.

Now thinking of it, calling her would not be a bad idea.


Let me catch you up on what's been going on for the past couple of months. I finally decided to move in with Ace; he kept begging me for months to move in and last month I finally gave in. I've just been rambling on about how my live with Ace has been going, not realizing my phone has been going off. I look at the screen and it's Axel calling, so I answered.

"yes?" I asked awkwardly 

"How are you and Abel doing?" He asked

"He's doing okay, he's living with my parents while I get my shit together." I told him.

"Um why is Abel living with them, why didn't you call me instead?" He asked.

" Cause you ran off on us Axel or did you just forget about that??" I asked starting to get pissed off .

" Hey baby girl what's going on why do you seem upset" Ace comes in looking at me with worry.

"It's axel, that's what's wrong." I told him.

"What is he saying to you to make you this upset." He asked me

" Because he wants to know why Abel is living with my parents instead of us?" I told him.

"Why is he so worried about Abel? He has never met him, he has never asked about him, nor provided for him; so why start caring for him now?  Abel only knows me as his dad." He kept asking question after question.

By this time Ace is already getting pissed. This man has a heart of gold. He has never once thought of Abel as someone elses other than his. He loves that little boy like his own. Whenever we go out and we have Abel, everyone ask if hes his and he looks at them with a smile on his face and says yes. That man has my heart.

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