ACE (chapter 12)

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Six months have past and I now live with a my friend Autumn and her mother, while my parents have Abel so I can get my live back together. Jasper and I realized were better off as friends so six months of going on dates he joined the military, and he didn't want to put me through that knowing I just had Abel , the thing is we were better off as friends anyways. I've been up almost all night, I get this random thought to message Ace, so that's exactly what I do. I messaged him saying "hey" not even five seconds later he facetimes me. "Hey" He said to me smiling. Damn how I missed hearing his voice. "Hey" I said smiling shyly. "You don't know how much I have missed you." He said. "I thought you were and Kendall still together." I said. "No, we broke up, about two months ago, I told her to pack up all her belongings and leave the phone on the bed, and get the hell out." He said. "About fucken time you let the bitch go" I said rolling my eyes. "I know you just did not roll your eyes at me little girl." He growled. "Oh I did, she wasn't good enough for you." I said looking at him through the phone. "Well who would be good for me then? " He said with a little smirk on his face. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Ace but I'm not going to tell him that cause if I do, he won't let me leave. I think in the back of my head I always knew it was Ace for me. He was my best friend in high school, he has never left my side, especially if I need him. "Earth to Alyssa!" Ace yelled. I must of zoned out . "Yes?" I said looking at him through the phone. "You just zoned out for a good solid ten minutes" He said to me. " I'm sorry." I said back. "Don't apologize." He said with a smile. "Damn I missed you." I told him. "I missed you too, you have no clue." He said running a hand through his hair. "I want to hang out soon." He said. "When do you want to hang out?" I asked. "What about Friday?" He asked. "Okay" I said smiling. " I will pick you up at 6, will that work." He asked. "That will be great." I said smiling "you need some sleep, you look tired as hell" Ace said. "Will you stay on facetime?" I said. "Of course." He said smiling.


She is so beautiful when she sleeps. She was the only real one I have been wanting other then Hel, I actually did love her, that relationship was short lived though especially after I cheated on her with Autumn, I wish I could have changed what I did to her, but that's a different story for a different time. Anyways, I knew Alyssa has been wanting me since the first time we met in the court yard. Will she ever admit it? No, she won't. I'll never forget the say she called me crying, because of Axel. I wanted to beat his face in, well actually I still want to but even more now cause of what he put Alyssa through and how he just left her while pregnant with Abel. He just turned one a few days ago. That boy is the most sweetest child I have ever met. I don't know how someone could leave a child like that and not feel some kind of guilt. I stayed up watching her sleep most of the night untill, I started dozing off, untill I hear her say " I love you Ace." she said. I took that as a sign to go to sleep so I said "I love you too Lys." Then I as well went to bed.


It's the next morning, and Ace is still on facetime with me. I decide to scream "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD!!!" I said and giggles. Ace jumps and rolls off the bed. "What the fuck Lys!?" He screams. By that time I'm on the floor laughing my ass off. "It's not funny" He said laughing himself. "Then why are you laughing." I asked still laughing "Cause It's hard to stay mad at you, but anyways did you sleep good?" He asked smiling. "I slept like a baby." I said smiling. Ace started busting out laughing out of nowhere. "Okay what did I say??" I asked. "Oh nothing." He said laughing. "Okay spit out twat waffle." I said back. "Fine, you said you loved me." He said looking at me through the phone. "Oh " I said "oh? Is that?" He asked. "Yes, cause it was embarrassing." I said covering my face. "It was not embarrassing baby girl, it was actually cute because it shows me that you still have feelings for me after two years." He said with a smile. 

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