"STOP LYING TO ME! TELL ME THE TRUTH!" he yelled at her.

Ginny grabbed his face in her hands and looked at him. "Why? Why do you need to know? All that matters is that I'm ok and so are you....... and our children. Please don't push this Draco..... please."

Draco just stared at her, he could see she didn't want to tell him and it made him want to know that much more. "Ginny, I know I have my memories back, but I still want to know the things I did when I wasn't all there..... stop hiding it from me..... I need to know."

Ginny looked away from him and she folded her arms angrily. She let out a defeated sigh and kept her attention on the floor between them.

"Yes, you hurt me...... the first night you were back you tried to kill me. You weren't yourself though.... your mind wasn't right and you were still in defense mode. You went crazy and hit me pretty hard in the face and then tried to choke me. I somehow made it away from you and then...... I ran for my life. You of course got me eventually and almost stabbed me, but Harry stopped you." she cautiously looked up to read his expression and she wished she hadn't. Memories of that night had filled her mind and send a shiver down her spine, but she pushed them aside.

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and turned away from her. This was exactly why Ginny didn't want to tell him, because she knew he would beat himself up over the entire thing and that was the last thing she wanted.

"Draco, please don't do this...... please don't shut me out now. I don't blame you for anything that happened..... you weren't yourself." she pleaded with him and gently grabbed his arm.

Draco could hear how much she needed him right now and normally he would retreat into himself and keep his distance, but he was done with letting his Father get under his skin and making him do nothing but question his value and anything good that came into his life like he did with his relationship with Ginny. He turned to her and cupped her face in his hands.

"Ginny...... I hope you know I would NEVER intentionally hurt you. I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I did those things to you...... I don't want you to be scared of me or resent me for any of the things I said or did." he said with much emotion.

"I know Draco...... and I don't think any different of you.... I just want to love you now, but I also want you to let me love you."

He gently grabbed her face to his and she felt his lips against hers...... soft and loving. She knew Draco was a bit emotional right now after everything he had been through the past few days and with meeting his children this morning. She knew it was just a matter of time before he and Ron were at each other's throats again like how things use to be and she never thought she would look forward to that moment as much as she was now.

"Ginny.... Draco... you guys alright?" came Hermione's voice from the back door.

They both nodded and Hermione gave them a small smile. "Well your Mother has more wedding questions to swamp you with." she chuckled.

Ginny looked at Draco and a smirk came to her face. "You just had to ask me to marry you, didn't you?"

"What can I say...... you know how Malfoy's can be; when we want something we'll stop at nothing until we get it."

They both laughed and shared another kiss before heading back inside where they were pelted with question after question until finally the twins woke up and Ginny took her opportunity to flee the kitchen.


He looked out the window at the crashing waves against the rocky shore ahead of him; each crashing wave making his blood boil. He then turned his attention to the forest across the way and noticed the many lifeless bodies of Death Eaters strewn about. How Harry and Draco escaped made him quite angry; he saw the massacre of men when he returned to the camp and was completely livid. The thought of his son, the one who was suppose to be the Malfoy heir, the thought of him being shacked up with the Weasley's made him absolutely enraged. He was looking forward to slaughtering the whole lot of them and the thought of this brought an evil smirk to his face.

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