Maybe that was where it came from. The perpetually dark look of him.

Nathan was beautiful to me though he seemed comforted by the colour red in the night.

Following him as he navigated the house until reaching the kitchen and taking out two wine glasses and wandering into the connected dining room.

"Alcoholic or non-alcoholic. We're both legal age?".

"I'll have a single glass of alcoholic wine, I'm a lightweight" I admit and he comes back holding a bottle with golden scrawlled French lettering.

"To our first foreign trip together. And your first time out of the country" Nathan says filling the glasses evenly before handing me one.

"Thank you" I say accepting it and following him once more out onto the back patio that was by a large pool with a grill and half circle counter where people could sit and drink in the pool along with on the opposite side of the large gazebo.

The gardens also continued framing his hillside property in such a way that it acted as a partial railing though there was a fifteen foot wall on the edge as well.

"Money may not buy happiness, but it buys one hell of a fucking view" Nathan muses walking to the edge of the pool and staring off into the distance at the coastal city.

"It does, but it's more worthwhile with someone to enjoy it with you" I say looking at him and he gives me a soft smile in return.

"The world could burn to ash and as long as I had you I'd be happy" Nathan says and I immediately flush only to look down then back up at him. His eyes stared into mine and in that moment I felt nothing but irrefutable safe and protected.

I had heard his friends exchange stories and Lucian shut them down if they got too personal. The boys all pushed that a little but then would profusely apologize if called on something they shouldn't have done. They were all just a wholesome brotherly group.

The ones I could remember that Nathan wasn't present during but got told was how protective he could be. How he wouldn't back down from challenges. But he could also be generous and kind more then he let on in public.

"Want to go swimming?" Nathan asks looking over at me as he set his glass of wine down and began peeling off his clothing.

"Don't tell me you're skinny dipping?" I laugh.

"You wish miss Hamilton" Nathan quips as he folded his clothing before taking a running leap into the pool as he made an incredibly clean dive into the water before surfacing a few seconds later.

Never expected a billionaire would go swimming in his boxers.

"The water feels amazing" he says and I stare at him while laughing.

"I'm testing this" I say beginning to do the same thing and the second I reached for the bottom of my shirt he'd spun around.

"We've showered together and you still give me privacy" I tease, though I appreciated the sentiment.

"It's called respect love" Nathan says remaining fixed in the direction he faced.

"You treat everyone with it" I comment, carefully getting into the water.

"I was raised to, and in families as old as mine respect is incredibly important. People have been removed from elite parties for breaking that respect".

Moving slowly towards Nathan I wrapped my arms around his wide torso and rested my head against his back.

"Thank you for everything you've given me since day one Nathan" I say and he turns allowing me to keep my hold on him before moving my hair and looking down at me love and compassion mottling his expression.

"No gesture can ever be worth doing if it means nothing. I wanted to get to know you, at least know someone who didn't know who I was just by looking at me, and I got that".

"I also got a close friend, and a lovely girlfriend. Seems like it was more then worthwhile getting go know you Arilynn" Nathan muses and I couldn't help but think about how there was always comfort with one another. Nathan had given me something no other person let alone a guy had ever given me. Unconditional safety, and protection, along with support, without a word ever needing to be spoken.

"I can say the same for you mi amor" I beam up at him and he turns it before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"We should probably drink our wine" he says looking to the two glasses and the bottle.

"Don't want to waste it" I muse letting go of him and swimming over to them, and bringing all three items back to where Nathan was which resulted in him helping and carrying his glass and the bottle to the counter area of the gazebo where we sat and drank late into the night, talking about anything we could think of.

Just them arriving and having a celebratory drink, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


The Devils Of Harvardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें