Chapter Thirty Three | NightEye

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A/N: Hey guys! Unlike last weeks chapter, this one's going to be a long one. I apologize if some find this chapter to be too long, but it wouldn't be as good if I split it up. I hope you understand and enjoy :)

And thank you guys so much for 3k views! Love y'all so much!😘 Seven more chapters to go!


Y/N's POV: Hospital

I squint my eyes, not sure if I'm seeing correctly, or mistaking a strange man with the same unique red hair for him. I guess anyways.

"Enji...?" I wearily call, my vision going in and out of focus due to the light. "Is that you...?" I try to move my hand to check on the man, but instead I wake him up.

When the man springs up to hug me, I take in the big scar that engulfs his right eye, confirming that it is indeed Enji who's now holding me in a hardly-able-to-breathe hug.

"Are you okay..?!" Enji asks, his head nestling deeper into my neck and his arms tightening around me, careful to avoid the arm cast I didn't even realize I had.

Usually when someone's in a tight hug, they would ask for them to let go, but I'm not usual. Instead, I stay in the hug, lightly hooking my chin on his shoulder, resting my head against his neck.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I answer, taking in the all too familiar and favorite cologne that I'm surprised is still as fragrant, even after battle.

Enji exhales in relief, his upper body going limp. "Thank god...! I wouldn't know what to do without you."

We both freeze at the sudden outburst.

Did he just...confess to me? Enji Todoroki? The same guy who just so happened to reject me like two weeks ago, is now saying he wouldn't know how to live without me?

I stay still, my eyes wide and mouth hung ajar. Enji slowly lets go of me, to which I quickly accept given the now awkward air surrounding us.

"U—umm...what I meant to say, was that I'm glad to hear that you're...okay," Enji explains, his eyes wide and lips drooping in embarrassment.

I slowly nod my head, my eyes just as wide and face just as shocked. "Yep. I'm all good."

Enji nods his head as acknowledgement to what I said, that being the only action and thing being said for the solid minute and half that passed us in this awkward silence.

With Enji looking away from me and out the window as distraction, I take the chance to get another steal at his features all over again, like I haven't been doing that for the past few weeks.

I squint my eyes again, not sure if I'm seeing things right. "Wait—Enji—were you...crying??"

"Huh?" Enji turns to look at me, the sunlight illuminating the streams of dried tears that ran down his cheeks. His flames erupt, destroying the evidence. "I don't know what you're talking about."

A smirk starts to form at the seems of my lips, Enji rolling his eyes at the sight of it. "Are you sure about that?"

"Don't be ridiculous..! I'm the number one hero. I refuse to allow myself to be so emotional," Enji states, turning his head to face the door. "Plus...I knew you'd make it."

My cheeks burn at the words. I knew you'd make it. This man is making it really hard to stay within boundaries right now. But he won't punish me when I'm hurt.

I slide my fingers under his hand, slightly squeezing his fingers. When Enji whips his head to me and his eyes land on my smile, his look softens and he smiles back at me.

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