Chapter Fifteen | Mystery Woman

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CW: Brief Mention Of Abuse In One Part.

Aizawa stares at me dumbfoundedly, pulling his face away from my hands. "What? He doesn't know?"

"No. I didn't tell him yet," I admit, fidgeting with my fingers at my sides. "I j—I don't know if he feels the same about me."

I swear I saw Aizawa flash me a sympathetic smile for a second, but before I could do a double-take, his face was back to default. "Well I won't say anything to persuade you, because I don't know the outcome—but I will say one thing: don't just keep that to yourself forever. Say something. To me, Hizashi, or someone you trust, 'Kay?"

If we weren't about to have a meeting about a poor girl who's been held hostage, I would've been crying by now. "Thank you, Aizawa, I appreciate it. I'll definitely talk to you and Hizashi soon. We haven't hung out in a while."

We both turn when we see people walking toward the meeting room down the hallway. "Don't be a stranger, okay? Hizashi won't shut up about not having seen you in the past week."

I laugh at Aizawa's way of escaping affectionate moments, it always being his weakness. "Should we head over to the meeting now?"

"Yeah, let's go," Aizawa leads out of the lobby and into the hallway into the meeting room, briefly watching everyone chatter a bit more before finding two vacant seats side by side. "Let's go over there and sit down before someone else takes them."

I follow Aizawa torwards the chairs and sit down, strangely, almost immediately making eye contact with Enji. " got any news to tell me about anything lately?" I whip my head, trying to convince myself to calm down and suppress my all-over-the-place nerves.

" okay, y/n? You seem to be...occupied," I slowly turn my head to see Aizawa staring at me with a complex expression, looking for answers.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I was just looking ahead and I made eye contact with Enj—Endeavor," I successfully save myself and keep Enji's personal information a secret, but I didn't save myself quick enough to not be interrogated.

Aizawa's face was scrunched in a knot, then a sudden realization had put the pieces together of who the half-said name belonged to, pointing his finger at me. "You—"

I play dumb and pretend he was going to hit me, flinching. "You call Endeavor by his first name? Wh—what have you been doing this past month..?!" Aizawa whisper-shouts at me, making sure nobody sitting near us overheard.

"Calm down," I barely manage to say through my laughter. "Nothing like that happened. When I told you guys we became close that's what I meant. We got to first name basis and that's it."

Aizawa's face is telling me that he doesn't believe a single thing I'm saying when I mean that's all that's going on between us, but he doesn't actually say that out loud. Instead he says, "all right, if you say so."

Just as I was about to tease him and make something up, a set of double doors open and reveal NightEye's tall and lean figure. The whole room falls silent almost immediately, which surprises me because nobody's ever done that before.

NightEye takes a seat in front of the desk at the end of the room, disconnected from the rest of us. "Hello, everybody. Today we'll be discussing the plans concerning the Yakuza, and what actions we'll do to rescue the girl Eri."

Nobody says anything, which I can only guess means that they're listening to him—at least that's the reason I'm silent.

"We won't be engaging with the yakuza anytime soon,"As soon as those words left his mouth, a few murmurs erupt, and a visibly angry hero shoots up from his seat.

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