Chapter Twenty Two | Dinner or Date?

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A/N: Thank you guys for over one thousand views! It means so much to me, especially because I started this story not too long ago and I never thought I'd get much views.

Thank you all so much for continuing to stick with me and the story as it's now reached it's half point :)


An hour ago: Office

"Do you really want to spend all this time filing paperwork?" Enji teases.

I look up from the piece of paper in my hands, setting it down on the desk, a smirk forming. "I'm just helping you, but if you don't want it..."

I stop talking, hearing muffled shouting from the hallway. I turn to look at Enji. "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah." We both strain our ears, trying to see if it's an intruder or some sort of disagreement that couldn't wait until in the confinement of privacy.

"Hey—let go of me!" Hiroko demands, flailing her arms.


I let out a chuckle when we recognize who the voices belong to. Enji shakes his head in a disappointed manner, but I can tell he wants to laugh about it.

"Tsk, so unprofessional," Enji opens his eyes and as soon as he meets mines, we both burst out laughing. "I can't ever take you seriously."

"Good. I hate serious situations," I joke, hearing another laugh escape Enji's lips.

Enji slides a nonalcoholic cocktail across the desk and into my hands, making me wonder when he even got up in the first place.

"Cheers to never having to be in a serious situation again."


I know that he's saying it as a joke, but I think we both know deep down we're thinking of the same thing. The same night.

I plop a stack of paperwork in front of Enji, giving him a bit more than me on purpose. "Why did you give me so much..?!"

"You are the boss, after all. It's only natural that you do most of your work." I remark playfully, shooting a finger gun at Enji, who's looking at me shocked.

"Always quick with the comebacks, huh?" Enji asks, taking the paper on the top of the stack, handing me a pen.

I take the pen, skimming through the page before signing away. "You know it."

"Want something to drink—besides alcohol," Enji adds, seeing that both our glasses were empty, a smirk forming on his face.

I smirk at him, playfully rolling my eyes. "I'll take water."

"Hmm, H2O, good choice. Very hydrating," Enji takes out two bottles from a mini built in cooler, tossing me a bottle. "You sure you want to do all this paperwork instead of relaxing?"

"Relaxing? It's still working hours, Enji—sorry—I mean—boss." I tease, seeing his expression turn into a grin.

"You finally learned my respected title. I knew your memory wasn't all that bad." Enji remarks, giving me a playful glance.

"Uh—how rude!" I pretend to be mad, crossing my arms over my chest, turning to face the windows.

My ear twitches when I catch the sound of Enji's footsteps becoming clearer. When the chair leans backward, every possibly muscle in my body stiffens.

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