Chapter Two | Meeting

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I entered the meeting with a bright vibe that lit up the whole room. I smile and bow at my senior colleagues, all of them smiling back at me before I took a seat to Endeavor's left.

Before I knew it an hour had passed, and boy was Endeavor not lying about these meetings boring him to death. I was fighting for my life staring at screens all day, either for a presentation or for taking notes.

Endeavor glances at me a few times, smirking at the fact that I didn't try to hide my boredom from everyone. I never noticed because I was busy taking notes and typing a summary about the whole meeting.

The meeting had finally ended, Endeavor and I had left the room first. I sigh in relief as soon as I get back in the elevator to return to my office. Endeavor laughs at my gloomy expression, looking as if a entity had sucked my soul.


"Now you know how boring these meetings are," Endeavor said, laughing at my pitiful expression.

I took in a deep breath and stared back at him, my body straightening subconsciously. "Yeah, I shouldn't have taken your comment with a grain of salt. Next time I'll mentally prepare myself."

I hear Endeavor laugh wholeheartedly and without me realizing, I was smiling. For some reason seeing him laughing and smiling made me feel happy. Like there was more to him than the fearsome and intimidating Endeavor, and I got to witness it.

"It's nice having someone be so comfortable with me. I haven't had someone speak to me so freely in years," Endeavor said, looking ahead with a smile on his face.

I look from Endeavor to the elevator door in front, the smile not leaving my face. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

The elevator doors open and we both go our separate ways, waving each other goodbye before hiding in the ginormous offices. "See you tomorrow, Ventriloquist."

"See you tomorrow, Endeavor."


After going over my notes and summary from today's meeting, I print it out for Endeavor to review and get ready to pack my stuff and travel to his office until I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in," I chimed, satisfied about my first day.

Endeavor opens the door and pops his his head through it, looking just as energetic. "If you're hungry, I would like to take you to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat."

I beam when I realize that I completely forgot that I would check out the cafeteria after the meeting was over. "I would love to take that offer."

Endeavor holds the door open for me and stands to the side, so that I could pass through. I pace across my office and out the door, thanking him.

We both got to the cafeteria and ate kuzumochi, which turns out is both of our favorite. Endeavor and I end up talking for about a good hour and half before realizing how late it had gotten.

We both get to the parking lot and say goodbye, getting into our cars and driving home.

I finally get home and toss my heels in front of my shoe rack, too exhausted to put them away properly.

I hop into the steamy shower and hurriedly do my skincare routine, just wanting to get in bed and go to sleep. I finally get done with my routine and plop on my bed, ready to bury myself neck deep into the blankets, when I hear my phone ring.

"Hey Hizashi—why the FaceTime?" My puzzled and dazed expression signaled to him that I had forgot all about calling him.

Hizashi puts on a dramatic defeated look, slightly slumping his head. "Ouch. Ya forgot to call me back."

"Sorry Hizashi~ I just had such a blast today and was so tired after work I forgot. I swear that I won't ever forget to call you back..!" I press my right hand over my chest, lifting my head up high and shouting in a military like matter.

I smile when I hear Hizashi laughing, meaning he overlooked my forgetfulness. "S'its alright Y/N. I know you didn't do it on purpose."

"Why out so late at night?" I plop back onto bed, propping my phone on the ruffled blanket.

"Oh, me? I'm out to go get a drink with Aizawa," Hizashi says, showing my other good friend Aizawa, who's tired looking as usual.

"Mmm? Oh, hey Y/N." Aizawa raises his hand as a 'hello', startled by the attention being directed to him.

I pick the phone back up and rapidly wave my hand, happy to see the both of their faces again. "Hi Aizawa..! What have you two been up to?"

Aizawa looks back at the phone, surprised that I would want to further communicate with him when I'm on the phone with Hizashi. "We're just teaching U.A as usual. Not much more than that. We go out to get drinks here and there."

"Is teaching really that time consuming?" I frown, not knowing my friends were so busy this whole time.

Hizashi sighs, this time positioning the phone to fit the both of them on the camera. "Yeah, especially with the hero course, 1A, getting targeted constantly by the league of villains. We just get stacks on stacks of paperwork to file out."

Aizawa blows raspberries to get his hair out of his face. "Yep. Our days consist of teaching, amping up the security at school, having multiple meetings to discuss the safety and concerns of the students and the citizens."

I pout, showing sympathy towards my friends. "Im sorry to hear that you guys are so busy. Hope you guys can at least enjoy the upcoming break in November."

Hizashi's face lights up, getting the attention off Aizawa and me. "Hey..! You never told us about your day at work! How did it go? We know you don't like Endeavor as much."

"Today was actually really good. I really like Endeavor Agency." I beamed, confusing the two friends.

Hizashi finally made it to their destination, setting the phone against a napkin dispenser on their table. "Good? I'm glad to hear you like the agency."

"Yeah, I really do like it there guys. Endeavor's really a nice guy. He's chill and down to earth, god—I haven't met someone like that in so long..!" I exaggerate, failing to contain the smile creeping out.

Aizawa and Hizashi share a look, then look back at me. "So this hatred for Endeavor is changed—just like that?" Aizawa said, looking at you weird.

"Yeah...I'm kinda surprised about that myself. But he really does seem like a nice guy," I said, a blush engulfing my cheeks.

Aizawa sighs before picking up the phone. "Well, I don't want to hold you up on your time to relax. Get some rest for work tomorrow."

"Okay, talk to you guys next time..!" I wave them goodbye, my arm violently swaying side to side.

"And don't forget to text us how it goes..!" Hizashi managed to squeeze in before Aizawa hung up.

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