Chapter Sixteen | Dumbass

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I manage to pick my jaw off the ground and make my way out into the spacious lobby. I sigh when I finally see a familiar face and walk towards Aizawa who's talking to...Gran Torino? Now I'm quickening my pace when I see the most random pair in the world. I'm not even sure they've met before.

When I start to approach them, they spot me. "Hey, Gran Torino! How have you been?"

"I've been as good as my old age would allow me to. How have you been?" I get slapped with enthusiasm from one of the grumpiest people on earth, which makes me wonder how he mentored the All Might.

"I'm doing great! I got the job as Endeavor's secretary at his agency. Nothing much other than work," I say, still curious about the pair.

"You're working at Endeavor Agency? How's that going for ya—that one's a hot head," the thing about Gran Torino is he's never afraid to say anything on his mind. The biggest factor is probably that he's a senior. But still, it surprises me every time he does.

"I actually like it over there. He's really nice and—generous," I feel my face getting hot when I realized how that might've sounded to him. "—He's a great boss," I blurted out, hoping to fix the maybe miscommunication.

Aizawa has the same puzzled look that I did before I embarrassed myself, making me wonder what he's thinking about. "Wait, you know who Gran Torino is?" Aizawa asks, looking back and forth at the both of us.

"E—yep. He's a close friend of my parents, so he used to come over often," I said, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"How come you never told me before?" Aizawa asked, his eyes spotting a cat outside the the agency's glass double doors.

"Well for starters, you didn't ask. And second, we didn't even talk that much at the time. I loved it when he came to visit. He used to tell the best stories," I admit, feeling a pang in my chest from nostalgia.

"What kind of stories?" Aizawa asked, giving in to the curiosity.

"He used to tell me stories about a reckless guy he was training," I laugh at the remembrance of one particularly funny story that always had me on my knees. "If I had known who that hero was at the time—I would've asked him to introduce me."

"Gran Torino...!"

We all whip our heads to see a barely average heightened boy with a flock of kids following behind him, making their way towards us. "What—you know this kid?"

"Eh, I recruited him for workplace training. All Might insisted I teach him," Gran Torino said, a little too lax for my comprehension.

"I—I don't understand. Why would the number one hero want his old mentor to teach a random kid?" I asked, looking at the kid with my brows knitted.

Gran Torino and Aizawa look at each other, making me suddenly feel like I've been living under a rock all my life.

"Since the cat is out of the bag, minus well say it," Gran Torino heaves a sigh like he's getting ready to explain a movie plot twist. "All Might retired because he was no longer able to keep his form for more than half an hour—as you saw from news about Kamino..."

Just when Gran Torino was about to continue his explanation, the green haired kid, Midoriya, was fast approaching, arms length from us. "Aizawa sensei?! Gran Torino?! And is that...Ventriloquist?!"

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