Chapter Nine | I Spy

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Hiroko's POV: Parking Lot

I was getting out of my car when I spotted boss a few rows in front of me to the right. I was going to run over to him and say hi, until I saw...Y/N getting out of his car???

Whaaaat. Boss and Y/N are dating?! I mean—it's not that surprising now that I think about it. They're always together and even Daiki said that Y/N never left boss's office. Wait—so he brought her home?!

I sneak behind some cars and see boss holding the door open for Y/N. Boss—out of all people, is holding the door open for somebody. I mean, don't get me wrong; boss is a nice guy. BUT, he also doesn't show much affection towards anyone.

Wait...did he take her home or to his house..? Time will tell...hehe.

I must've had a weird or mischievous face because as soon I approached the front desk I received a weird look from Daiki.

"What are you up to now?" Daiki said, slouching in his chair, a tired voice erupting from his soulless expressionlessness of a face.

"Oooh nothing. It's just...I think boss and Y/N are dating," I whisper the last bit to Daiki, leaning onto the counter.

"Why did I bother telling you anything..? All you do is gossip and conspire." Daiki sighs, rolling his eyes at my desperate ones.

I grab his arm, completely throwing him off guard. "Come on, Daiki..! Don't be like that!"

"Will you—get off of me!" Daiki struggles to say, trying to pry my iron grip from his poor limb.

I muster all my strength to pull Daiki away from the desk, nearly dragging him in the process. I huff and puff my way to an isolated corner in the nearest hallway I could find. "Okay—"

"Are you crazy..?! I have to check everyone that comes in and monitor the building..!" Daiki throws his arms into the air, his brows as high as can be.

I pull his arms back down and put my finger up to my lips, shushing him to not attract any attention. "Okay—I know you think I'm crazy..."

"Which you are—by the way." Daiki crossed his arms, slightly leaning his body to my level height with a hint of sas.

I roll your eyes at him, receiving a smirk in response. "...anyways. I just saw boss drive Y/N to the agency...and her car was still in the same place."

Daiki slaps his hand over his mouth, his eyes growing wide. "Oh. My. God..!"

I jump up and down, happy that you finally convinced him. "See..?! I told you—

"How can you be so stupid." So much for being happy about winning over his favor.

I stop jumping up and down, my smile disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. "What?"

"Did you really think that I would allow you to put such lewd thoughts of our boss and our colleague into my head..?" Daiki said, his hands at his hips and his foot tapping the ground as if I were just caught sneaking out.

I make a pouty face, staring at the ground while dragging my foot across the floor in half circles. "Maybe..."

Daiki flips his head to the left, staring at the clock ticking away on the wall in the far end of the hallway. "Gah Hiroko...what am I going to do with you."

"Help me prove that boss and Y/N are dating," I blurted out, stunning Daiki.

"You really are persistent—huh?" Daiki said, relaxing his shoulders and looking at me.

I gleam and give a closed eye smile, on my tippy toe. "E—yep!"

Daiki smiles at for a split second—then it disappears. He kicks his foot up and swings his body towards the end of the hallway.

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