Chapter Twenty Six | Operation, Begin!

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I groan, hesitantly getting into the vehicle and taking the seat next to Aizawa, Endeavor sitting down next to me, his gaze fixed ahead of him out the window.

Aizawa scoots closer to me, a grin on his face. "Is there something I sensed just now?"

I shoot a look at Aizawa, who's grin gets impossibly bigger. Then I roll my eyes. "There was nothing "just now". All he did was open the door for me."

"Then why did you both get embarrassed when you both saw me?" Aizawa argued, looking at me with pure mischief.

My face suddenly starts to burn. Is it getting hot in here? "That's because you were just staring at the both of us. You'd be weirded out too if someone did that."

"Good point. But don't—" Aizawa was about to continue his tease, when the car suddenly jerked, causing my body to press against Endeavor's, whose body stiffens at the interaction.

I quickly straighten back up, scooting barely a millimeter from him as an attempt to get some air. "Sorry, didn't mean to."

"No worries." Endeavor clears his throat, and that was the last thing that came out from either one of us for a while, until Aizawa took it upon himself to fix that.

"Why are the two of you acting like strangers? Too shy to admit a certain something..?" Aizawa continued his tease, trying to pry something out of me.

I slowly turn my head towards him, squinting my eyes at him with my lips pursed in a tight line. "No, there's nothing to admit, actually..!"

"You sure about that? Your flushed cheeks say otherwise." I'm done. I refuse to have this conversation right now, right this second, when we're in the middle of a rescue mission.

I turn my body from him, forgetting that Endeavor's to my right, and very much still close to me, causing our knees to touch. Damn you, Aizawa. I stay my ground and just accept it, not wanting to feed Aizawa's ego.

Aizawa leans closer towards me, his grin sounding in his tone. "I take it back. You two seem pretty cozy."

"I'm not talking to you." I hear a snicker come from the left, making my face burn even more. Is it possible to open the door for some fresh air?

I glare ahead of me, trying to distract myself with the view outside the window, not wanting to think about Aizawa's lingering soul-sucking stare, or the fact that I'm sitting really close to Endeavor since the kiss.


The car finally comes to a stop, thankfully much smoother than when it took off. A hero sitting nearby the door opens it, hopping out the car and into the blinding sunny weather. When it was my turn, the sun blinded me.

When I try to open my eyes and fail each time from the persistent sunlight, a voice erupts from in front of me. "Do you need help?"

When I blink profusely to at least keep my eyes open, I see that Endeavor's hand is outstretched in front of me, his eyes dodging mine when I look up. I put my hand in his, feeling a wave of heat rush through me. Man, it is really hot.

I hop off the ledge of the car, the sunlight blocked by Endeavor's towering body. I guess there's universal benefits to having tall people. "Thanks," I mumble, looking away.

I spot the other pro heroes walking towards the entrance of one of the many Yakuza residencies, me following suit to get out the probably one sided awkward air once more. When I stop in a spot, I see Incognito.

"Hey, Incognito!" I greeted, walking a few steps over to her spot.

Incognito doesn't hear me through the bustling crowd, but catches sight of me when I near her. "Oh, hey Ventriloquist!"

I take hold of my new spot, looking around to only now realize just how much reinforcements there is, not including heroes. "Who's in your squad?"

"Who's in my squad-are you joking?" Incognito lets out a small laugh, stopping when she sees me genuinely confused. "Are—are you serious?"

"What...was everybody supposed to know who's in what group?" I ask, a feeling of stupidity creeping up my spine.

Incognito's expression slowly turns into a grin, throwing me off even further. "I guess there really is something going on between the two of you, so much that you didn't even notice me."

My eyes widen, my brain putting the dots together. "Are you the one who was snickering next to Aizawa.?!"

"Yep." I feel the burning sensation return in my cheeks, the sunlight having nothing to do with it. Incognito leans down towards me, a similar grin to Aizawa's. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I rock back and forth on my heels, clasping my hands together and whistling.

"Sure you don't." Incognito starts making her way closer towards the Chief when NightEye starts walking towards him, signaling that the mission will begin soon. "Come on, let's go. Unless you're waiting for somebody."

"Ha ha, so funny." I follow suit behind her, trying to find Aizawa amidst the crowded area filled with heroes and police all-around. "I can see where Aizawa got it from."

When it finally quiets down, NightEye clears his throat. "As we talked about, we will begin the operation at 8:30, leaving time for the Chief to cite the warrant."

NightEye nods at the Chief, who nods back and turns his back towards us, taking out a sheet of paper and holding it out. "When I finish reading the warrant for entry and search, we will immediately start."

A few head nods and "okays" come from the crowd, though I'm pretty sure that the Chief's statement was rhetorical. The Chief clears his throat, then adverts his gaze to the sheet, spiking a few heroes' nerves.

"This is the Chief of the Police Department, reading the warrant which enables us to search and raid the property of the yakuza by the name of Shie Hassaikai, giving us liberty to arrest any uncomplying and or criminals."

"We do not come with the intentions to harm others, but if you do show resistance, we have the right to fight back, ultimately leading to your arrest." When the Chief continues to read off of the paper, I space out.

After what felt like forever, the Chief catches my attention when he finally puts an end to his speech, ending it with, "Let the operation begin!"

And just like that, heroes and policemen, ready or not, are charging into the resident, almost immediately confronted with the many members of the Shie Hissaikai.

The police were left to deal with the members of the front yard, since most were wanted criminals and had registered quirks, the heroes being split into their respective groups for clearing or searching the area.

NightEye motions us to follow him down the hall, stopping at what seemed like a regular wall at the end of the hall. "I've seen this before when I used my foresight on the guy from the store. There was a code."

"Watch out!" Just when I was about to get the criminals running towards us with knives, Bubble Girl uses her quirk to blind the them with her, well, bubbles. Which are very affective for a quirk that seems only good for playing.

We all fix our gazes back to NightEye when we hear a click, the complex built-in wall puzzle slowly departing into a passageway into a tunnel entry. "Let's not waste time. There could be a possibility they anticipated this."

We nod our heads, waiting for NightEye to run in first before charging in, our guards up in preperaration for the worst case scenario. I look to my side when I see Aizawa running besides me.

A smile forms on his face when he sees me staring at him, his attention turned to me. "Let's save the girl."

"Mm!" I nodded my head, the both of us facing toward the front of us...seeing a dead-end way up ahead of us.

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