Chapter Thirty Nine | Announcement

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A/N: There was supposed to be only one chapter left, but a comment on my previous chapters sparked an idea, so enjoy the additional chapter :)


I walk out the agency door and run up to Enji, whose waiting for me a few feet away, wrapping my arm around his.

"Should we head back now, or are you up to go out for dinner?" Enji asks, glancing at me.

"I'm a little tired, maybe we could make something later?" I ask, walking towards the car.

Enji squeezes my hand, smiling. "Yeah, that's fine. Whatever you want, baby."

After that, we're both sucked into complete silence. Awkward silence. At least to me. I open my mouth, then close it, then debate about it.

Should I bring it up? What if he says no? What if he's not on good terms with them? What if that pressures him? What if he's not ready? Am I even ready?

"Should we tell them?" I blurt out, my cheeks heating up for the billionth time.

Enji slowly comes to a stop in his tracks, turning to face me. "Tell who?"

I turn the other way, raising my hand to pretend like my cheek is itchy. "Your kids. I mean—they should know that you're seeing someone—not that I'm forcing you—because if you're not r—eady then that's fine too—"

Enji kisses me, to which I really appreciate and reciprocate, gently nibbling his bottom lip as thanks. To my surprise, that's all it took to calm me down.

Enji squeezes my hand again, looking me in the eyes. "I think that's a great idea, baby. I was actually meaning to talk about that with you."

I smile up at him, starting to walk again. "Okay, let's do this thing!"



Enji pulls into his driveway, turning off the car and taking a deep breath, facing me and holding my eyes in his with intent.

"Are you ready?"

I take a deep breath in turn, nodding my head in answer to him.

"Okay, good."

Enji gets out the car, closing his door and jogging over to open my door. As enthusiastic as I was earlier in the parking lot, I'm starting to wish he'd take his time getting to the door.

I take another deep breath, muttering to myself in attempt to sike myself up, unintentionally reminding myself of the day I first met Enji, then mentally cringing.

When Enji opens the door, I realize that I was too busy mentally bashing myself to actually make myself feel better, and now I'm stuck with a chest full of anxiety.

Enji extends out his hand, to which I grab and make eye contact with him, seeing his brows knitted together.

When Enji closes the door behind me, he leans his right hand against the car, trapping me. "Are you okay, Y/n?"

I place my hand on my forehead, then realize how much more concerned that made him look, so I wave my hands at him, dismissing it.

"No, no, no! That's not it!" I take a deep breath, looking him in the eyes. "I'm fine, really. It's just—I'm nervous."

Enji leans closer to me and steals a kiss, calming me down and relaxing my tense muscles.

Enji pulls away, looking me deep in the eyes. "Are you okay now?"

"Mhm," I say, looking him back in the eyes.

Enji gets up and turns towards the house, pulling me by the waist so smoothly I don't really process it until I find myself involuntarily moving.

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