Chapter 4: Atlas

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The Dragmare screamed at the top of its lungs, while Giza was laughing like a mad man, as he cut open the stomach again spilling the guts to the floor. Then Giza stabbing his sword in the stomach twisting it.

It was early morning now since the battle concluded. Both the remaining Atlesian Knights that are un-harm and Atlesian Knights that are harm - but are relatively intact and funcitional. Are standing behind Giza, a meters behind him - forming into a line and staring blankly at him. Waiting for his command.

Though if the Atlesian Knights were sentiant, they'd be likely disgusted at him for obvious reason. After all what kind of sane person would have enough energy to torture someone in horrific ways for this long - Giza thought as he slashes the Dragmare across the face - but he honestly doesn't care. In fact he still has enough energy to contiuned to torture the damn Dragmare for three more months.

Giza momentarily stopped to look at the work done on the Dragmare.

The body was covered in its blue blood and still intact, really there were only several wounds that were leaking blue blood. Because of the regenaration ability, it kept healing all of the damage he'd cause. Even now all the wounds were rapidly healing.

There was an intresting fact about the ability is that, whenever a body parts is seperated from the main body - the main body being the chest area - the seperated body parts will slowly dissipated into thousands of small blue particules. This process is called 'Waking'

Giza looked back at the sobbing Dragmare.

"PLEASE....please.....please....KILL ME!" The Dragmare shouted at Giza to end its suffering. It was tired of the painful torture - it just want to end the suffering. Even though the Dragmare can heal, it still feel the lingiring pain.

"Tch!'re lucky that I don't have the time to make you feel even more pain then this." Giza looked at the Dragmare, his eyes filled with absolute hate and disgust. After spitting on the Dragmare face he says. "I shall grant you're wish.."

He slices its head - though making to do it, in a slow and painful way.

The Dragmare's corpse begane to go into 'Waking.' The body slowy disspearing into small particules.

Watching the 'Waking Dust' going up into the air, he swiftly turns around marching past the Atlesian Knights as he issued a command. "Follow."

He runs back to the forest, where the Giant air craft was located. With the androids quickly following behind him.


After boarding the air craft along with the remaining Androids, and in his normal clothes again. He unlock seven diffrent coplicated passwords of his Scroll to checked to see if he has any massage.


OPERATOR: Is the target eliminated.

AGENT 790: Affirmitive

OPERATOR: What was the Type.

AGENT 790: It was a Null Type.

OPERATOR: Where there any civillian.

AGENT 790: None, all were killed by the Target.

OPERATOR: Return to HOME BASE: ZERO. Sandman wants to see you.


'So Father wants to see me huh? Wonder why?' After finishing reading the massages he then begane to type a series of code in the Scroll built in mini board. Hitting the last digit, all the massages are instantly deleted. This was of course a security measure to ensure nothing valueable information would be leak, should the agent scroll got lost.

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