Chapter 2: Dragmare Assault

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Both human and Dragmare clashed. He swung his sword at his opponent - but the Dragmare once again dodged it, the monster retaliates against Giza by swinging its claw at his face. But Giza grabs one of the claw before it could hit his face - and using all of his strength to throws the Dragmare to another house.

Before the Dragmare could crash into the house, a purple portal appeared on the Dragmare path - engulfing the Dragmare before disappearing.

"Shit!" Giza got into a defensive position, readying his sword - he carefully looked at his surrounding. He again pressed the communicator to attempt to call the the Atlesian Knights. "All Atlesian Knights! Come to my location!"

The robots should know where Giza, as these batch of Atlesian Knights are installed with a tracking device - that allows them to know where he is.

'It looks like this Dragmare's ability is portal creation - or there's two Dragmare, but I'll assume the first possibility for now.'

He carefully looked around his surrounding. He readied his sword waiting the Dragmare when it appear.

'Dragmare.' Dragmare are anomalous creatures that can perfectly replicate a human appearance- even down to their dna, though not the human victims memory - and they're practically immortal. Each and every Dragmare have diffrent feature and sets of ability. The only thing a Dragmare needs to survive is eating human flesh. The only thing that can kill a Dragmare - besides starvation, but a typical Dragmare can last six months without food for them to feel the effects of starvation - is by using a rare special material called 'Nightmerion' to specifically cutting off the Dragmare head from the neck.

When he heard footsteps, he turned around to see his backups- the Atlesian Knights coming to him. He was glad to see the robots. But then Giza vision was engulfed by darkness

Though before Giza's mind could register what just happend, he landed on something jagged and hard.

'Crap! It hurts.' Even though the Jagear armor and his Aura means he wasn't injured by any means, he could still feel pain.

He looks around to see where he is, but was met by complete darkness. When he turns on his mask night vision, he saw a grotesque scene that made him momentarily froze him in shock.

Laying on the ground before him were dozens of lifeless corpses each in varies degree of decay. And many maggots eating the corpses

Some of them having missing limbs, like arms, legs, and even the heads are missing. While some bodies have their chest rip open, revealing the internal organs - or whats left of it.

He looked around the cave he was suddenly teleported to. The cave was fairly wide, and the walls were splash with dried blood.

'These bodies are probably the residents from that village......tch.' He walks over to one of the bodies that was still in good shape.

He kneels next to the body and shuts his eyes after observing the victim's still-open, wide eyes. 'unnecessary deaths.'

He was about to stand when he heard a ferocious roar. "I promise, I'll avenge mom, you, and the countless other victims of the Dragmare's by killing them all..."

He quickly turns around and using his sword to parry another assault from the Dragmare.

'Seems like this Dragmare is dumb and prefer going melee.' He uses a constant bombardment of slashes to attack his opponent, hitting diffrent key areas each time. Though he knew already it won't kill the beast.

"Die!" The Dragmare shouted at the sword wielder. Using both of its claw It tried to stab Giza's Head - Giza responded by simply dodging the attack and he gave the Dragmare in return another brutal onslaught of sword slashes.

The Dragmare had decided to flee from Giza's assault, so it opened a portal to a location probably far from the cave. But the Dragmare wasn't going to get away from Giza.

Seeing the Dragmare creating the portal, it made Giza to activate the Gravity dust in his suit boots - he increase his speed, leaving behind a trail of purple dust in his wake.

With the added momentum he slices off the Dragmare arm - the Dragmare screech in pain. "I'm gonna RIP YOUR HEAD APART!" Not caring to escape now and blinded by pure rage at the sword wielder, It lunges at the boy.

Giza was caught by the enrage beast attack and pinning him to the ground, the Dragmare scream in anger - the beast quickly knocking away Gram from Giza's reach - and proceed to repeatingly punchs Giza in the face with It's remaining arm - similar to a hammer and a nail.

The barrages of the punch was abruptly stopped by Giza grabbing the arm just in time, before it could hit his face again. Using his other free arm, electricity begane to generate around the arm - he punched the Dragmare in the face, sending him flying.

The teen quickly retrieves his sword, before getting in a battle stance.

The punch that he had use there was called the 'Shock Smasher'. It uses the Lightning Dust stored in the Jagear suits arm - to generate lightning around the fists, making an increase of strength by twenty times. One of the many function of the Jagear suits - though looking at the suits HUD it had cost some of the suit energy supply.

He looked at the Dragmare with annoyance. All the injuries of the Dragmare begane to heal. 'Shit..'

Regeneration one of the primary abilities that all Dragmare share, its what makes them almost invincible, along with their impenetrable hard skin.

Giza now going into the offensive position, charges at the Dragmare again using the Gravity Dust to increase his speed. Giza tried to cut off the Dragmare head and almost succeded - but It uses its arm to block the attack, though the Dragmare didn't get unscathed as Its arm was slice off.

The Dragmare using its inhuman agility to get away from Giza, making space between It and him. It uses its Regeneration ability to once again heal its arm.

He frowned, 'looks like I'll have to try another tactic.' He decide to try to suprise attack him.

'Stealth mode.' He thought. Soon his entire body began to turn invisible. The Dragmare looked around in confusion - though it didn't let it guard down.

The invisible Giza slowly approach the Dragmare as it looks around the cave, attempting to find the teen. Then seemingly realized that It opponent is now invisible - flail Its arm around, trying to hit Giza.

Giza circled around the Dragmare, careful to not step on the bones or anything that can make a sound.

Once he found the perfect position, he got into a battle stance - readying Gram. He kicked forward leaving behind a trail dust. And using the Gravity Dust to amp up his speed, to go even more after.

Using both of his hands - he swung Gram at the Dragmare neck.

'Check mate!' He thought - securing his victory with this one strike, but a portal open behind the Dragmare. It made It self fall through the portal. "Fuck!" Another portal appeared infront him.

Because of extreme Giza's speed - he wasn't able to stop himself from going in the portal.

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