Chapter 3: Final Blizzard

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"Dammit! I almost killed It!" Giza berated himself - he looked around to see where he was. 'This Dragmare really likes to change battle field.'

He was in some sorta villa- It was Stone Peak Village! He tap on his communicator. "Calling all Atlesian Knight! Come to my location!" He looked at his HUD map seeing several tiny dots going to his location.

"DIE!!" Giza quickly turned around to block the suprise attack from the Dragmare. 'How was he able to see me?' Giza thought - then he realizes it. He was standing on snow.

'Must've predicted where I was judging from the snow mark I left behind, and the portals location.' Then Giza saw all the Atlesian Knights behind the Dragmare that he was blocking. All preparing to fire at it.

He pushes the Dragmare off balance - and a rolled to the side dodging the incoming line of fire.

All the androids immediately fired a storm of bullets at Dragmare once Giza was out of line of fire.

The Dragmare scream at the robots - lunging at them. It was a brutal onslaught. It grab one Knights head - and easily rip its head from the body. Then it throw it away, opting the nearest one, the beast slash its head with its claws.

Running to another one, It uses its supernatural strength to pierces through another Atlesian Knights torso -though it didn't kill the Dragamare as it continues to shoot with its advance assault rifle. But the bullets didn't even made any mark on its skin, because of the the Dragmare's tough skin - effectively making the armor piercing bullet feel like cheap plastic bullets.

After it killed the android, it went to another - demolishing the robot before It went for another.

The remaining Atlesians Knights still tried firing a barrage of bullets at the Dragmare, but obviously failing in hurting the Dragmare - as it tore off another Knights head, before using the headless body to throw it to another Atlesian Knight.

Seeing the Dragmare distracted by the Atlesians Knights, he decided to use one of his Semblance.

He got into a position - were he could swiftly draw Gram from the sheath - to a horizontal arc slash. He closed his eyes, focusing all the Aura around his body into his blade, taking a deep breath, the sheath glowed a light blue hue, he imagen a mental image of a sword being remove from its sheath. Opening his eyes - he shouted.


Upon unleashing the sword from the sheath - swinging it in a horizontal arc motion, the blade fired a light blue Aura slash at the Dragmare. The area around him was illuminated by the Aura slash.

The Dragmare couldn't dodge it in time as the Aura slash was too fast for it to react. The last thing the Dragmare was white.

The Aura slash hit the Dragmare in the gut - cutting it in half, blue blood spilled from the Dragmare. Then causing a blue fiery explosion.

Waiting for few seconds for the smoke and fire to dissipate. He runs to the Dragmare with Gravity Dust enchanting him with speed.

Giza slowly flickered back in existance, as one of his Semblance - Zerstörer - had cost majority of his Aura.

And a persons Aura was the energy that the Avalon Core - a powerful built in energy core stored in the jagear chest area - converted into Sol which powers the entire Jagear suit.

Checking the HUD, unsurprisingly he saw that the Jagear system was now using one of the Sol Batteries Reserve or SBR. The Jagear has a automatic function called the 'Valhalla Three System.' In which; if a Jagear User Aura is critically small, the suit will switch to one of the three SBR - stored in the suit - as its replacement main power source.

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