Chapter 24: Dressing Up

Comincia dall'inizio

"Is this your place?"

"Yeah. It's not at all grand like your condo room. Thanks for taking me home, by the way"

Soobin got off the bike, and so did Yeonjun. "Not gonna invite me in?"

"Um... I can't. If my dad knows, you'd be in big trouble"


"I'll tell you later. You can leave now. Oh and, take this with you" he handed him the shopping bag from earlier. "I wouldn't wear these anywhere else other than your place so... and my dad's totally gonna flip if he sees. So you keep it"  

Yeonjun took the bag in his hands but didn't leave. He moved closer to Soobin and brought his face close. Soobin knew he was expecting a kiss, so he closed his eyes, waiting for the warmth Yeonjun's lips were about to bring.

Their lips finally met, and Soobin unconsciously wrapped his arms around the older's neck to deepen the kiss. They pulled away after a short while.

"Be careful on the way... stay safe, okay?" even Soobin was surprised those words came out of his mouth. He wanted to slap himself for sounding so caring towards the person he was supposed to hate.

Seeing as Soobin was softening up to him, Yeonjun smiled. "Okay. Text me when you're free?"

Soobin nodded and watched as Yeonjun got on his big bike and drove away. He hurriedly went inside and closed the door. Thank all the stars his father wasn't home at the moment.

He placed his hands on his chest and felt the rapid beating. "What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?" He asked himself.

"And why the heck did I say those words to him? Only lovers say stuff like that... I'm going feral"

"oh no, I can't possibly feel that way towards him... that's just wrong. He hurt me a lot... need to forget it. I need to stop and back out before it's too late"

Soobin went upstairs to his room to get lunch ready. But he couldn't stop replaying the scene from earlier in his head.


Soobin went to work as usual in the evening. And he decided he was ready to dance on stage again. The requests were pouring in like crazy for these past few days.

Now he was sitting in the dressing room, getting ready in an elegant light chartreuse dress. Much different from the sexy pole dancing from the previous show. A co-worker was styling his hair to get him ready.

"Looks like you're in an awfully good mood today" Lia said with a bottle of spray in her hand, styling the male's black hair.

"Really? I feel totally normal, though"

"You keep smiling into space, you know?"

"I do that?" Soobin turned his head to face her.

"Gee, stay still. You're ruining the style" she turned his head back towards the mirror. "To answer your question, yes, you have been daydreaming and smiling like an idiot. And you didn't seem excited to perform last time... but you're all giddy today, for some reason"

"Oh... well, extra money means extra happy I guess" Soobin replied.

"You know... back when you first came, I hated your guts" Lia confessed out of nowhere making Soobin's head turn again.

"How come?"

"Nothing serious, just... I was bitter about the fact that a man could dance better than me"

Soobin let out a cute chuckle resulting in a light hit on the head by the female. "Are you mocking me? I even stopped talking to Yeji-unnie for a week after she let you in"

To this extent?

"I may be good and dancing and all but... you're a much better singer than me, you know?"

Aside from making drinks at the bar, Lia occasionally sang to keep the guests entertained.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better"

"It's the truth, though. Your vocal really shines. A person can easily fall for you by just hearing your voice"

Lia smiled for a second. "Thanks for the compliment. But that was in the past. After working together... I don't actually despise you anymore. There's nothing to dislike about you"

She picked up small flower hair clips and put them on his hair, making him look even more innocent than he already did.

"Thanks for being real honest with me. And sorry I made you feel bad"

"You're too kind. And I was wrong, I'm sorry"

They chit-chatted for a while before Lia was done doing his hair and re-applying his makeup.

"And done! YOU look gorgeous" the female clapped her hands, satisfied with her own work.

"Wow..." Soobin stared at his own reflection in the mirror. He wasn't all that confident about his appearance before, but he thought he looked the prettiest today.

"Thank you..."

"No problem! Now get ready to blow up that stage. Don't forget to share the tips you get" Lia smacked his shoulders to give assurance.

"Of course!" Replied Soobin cheerfully. He grabbed his fancy golden masquerade eye mask and went up on stage.

We might not get along with someone at first, but only time could bring out the truth about them.

To be continued...

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