Episode fourteen

276 5 0

< 15h of September, 2010 >

"Revenge is the raging fire that consume the arsonist." - Max Lucado


Y/n pov

Five hours. That's how long i've been watching from the other side of the glass. Five hours of them interrogating Sebastian Harrison. We guess he is the younger brother. But for every question they shot his way, he fires back with how he's not speaking to anyone. Unless it's me. But first rule in interrogating, never give them what they want. And he wants me, so i'm not going in. No matter how much it would help us all.

"It's a shitty idea" Emily says as she leans against the wall next to me. I'm still looking at the man in the room. What a genepool, he looks so alike to the woman in the footage and Stella Harrison.

"Please, enlighten me with what you would do in my place" i ask her, looking to her. Seeing how she's studying my every feature. It's one of those things we used to do when one of us would wake up before the other. Before... everything. "That's what i thought" As i slowly roll my right shoulder, trying to release some tension. Consequences of getting shot, i'm even still in physical therapy. One of the many reasons to why i shouldn't be in the field right now, even though it's exercises i do at home. But she saw it, she saw how i carefully rolled my shoulder and how i slightly winced at the movement. She always sees, noticed everything about me.

"We still shouldn't give him what he wants, Hotch will agree with me and you know it Y/n" she ignores the fact presented, and the way she says my name. It's like coming home from being away for a really long time. And just as she says that, Hotch comes out of the interrogation room and into the observation, where we're standing.

"Bailey, maybe you should give it a try" Hotch says and i can't help but smirk at Em who just rolls her eyes before starting to protest. But it is me that Sebastian Harrison has been asking for for the last five hours.

"It's not a good idea, she could... it's just bad idea" she doesn't say what she was first thinking, both me and Hotch knows that. I could almost swear that she was going to mention it. But Hotch should already know about it, know about my progress with my recovery i mean. If there were anything wrong he wouldn't let me out, i would be restricted to being Penelope's assistant or something. And i would definitely not go into an interrogation room.

"It'll be okay, Reid and Morgan will both be inside." He reassures us both even though it's not me who needs it. But i do get it, i get the worry, For whatever i said, neither of us can deny that whatever's between us it not dead just yet. It's still there, never left. We just tried to fool ourselves into thinking it had.

So, before Emily can protest even more and actually get Hotch to change his mind. I take off my gun and smile at her reassuring. "And you'll be just on the other side of this glass. I'll be fine" the last is more of a whisper that only she can hear. And for no other eyes, my hand graces hers. Sending warmth throughout my entire body. She always had the ability to do that, to do just that. Even though i'm considered her personal heater, it has always been her that would make me warm. Like goey and warm inside, not my skin but everything else. And it's exactly the thing i needed to take a breath and enter the interrogation room.

"Ah, the infamous SSA Bailey..." the man stares at me as i come in and sit down in front of him. Reid and Morgan are in the two corners behind me. Watching over both me and him. His every move, as well as mine. Protect me, as well as him. But i can do this, i know i can. Because of her. "Or, i guess it's temporary agent now"

"Where are the girls Mr Harrison?" i simply ask, trying to disconnect myself from this whole case. I won't let him get to me. Or at least, i'll try not to let him get to me.

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