Episode twenty-one

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"Decide. So do it, decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in, breath out, and decide." - Meredith Grey


Emily pov

As Y/n and Hotch comes in through the door i can't help but think back one week. To when she first entered the bullpen again. The differences and the similarities. How her hair is not let out over her back, not in that high pony tail anymore. The shade darker. Huh, maybe it was the lights that had made it lighter. Still long though, but i like it even though i liked her short hair as well. No more dress pants and blouses with lose fitting arms. Instead she's wearing ripped blue jeans and a dark red tank-top. Gods how i love when she borrows my clothes. And i swear that shirt looks better on her than it ever did on me. Her eyes are brighter, not as cloudy. Her smile even more, not just glad to see us all again.

And everything seems right as they come over to our table, her sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek, taking my hand in hers. It's cold, for the first time in forever her hand in cold. And i actually don't mind.

"Hi" i swear i must looks like a school girl in love as i meet her gaze.

"Hi" her answer as lovely as always, sending chills down my back.

"Please tell me you're staying, i can't stand blue Em" Morgan says and i can't help but laugh. That's what they've called me, when i've been so distant and colder than usual. "I want her back"

"Well..." Y/n pretends to hesitate. "First i gotta talk to this woman for a moment." Y/n grabs ahold of my hand and pulls me with her to another part of the bar. Music is still playing loud and i have to strain my ears to hear what she's staying.

But still i can't hear her. "What?"

So with a small and loving laugh she pulls me in, hands resting on my waist. Her mouth closing in next to my ear and as her breath hits my exposed neck i feel like falling. I should have kept my hair down. "Is my room still available?"

"What? Are you serious?" she takes back her face, but stays close. She nods as her eyes flicker between mine and my lips. "Of course" i pull her in to let her lips meet mine. Gods how i've missed this. "What made you change you're mind?" i had to ask, didn't i?

"It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love, and then you find that somebody else, and it turns out that your feeling was right from the beginning" a smile sneaks up over my lips even though i'm confused. Her face still close to mine and i'm glad that the bar is loud and smelling of alcohol. Because i'm pretty sure i let out a moan as she presses her lips to mine once again, before parting once again. "I can ever only love you Emily, i know that now"

"I love you too, but..." her face changes but i don't move away from her. "I have to know, are you coming back to work, not just moving back in with me?"

"No" she laughs. "I'm coming back to work, Hotch just gave me my chair back."

"Good, because i was not a fan of your high school teacher look. I like the FBI one more"

"Oh, i wonder why" i've always liked the uniform. And even though her HS look wasn't that bad, it's not the one she had when i fell in love with her. It's the one she had while we were apart.


After a few more minutes we get back to the table and both Penleope and Morgan eye us. Forcing me to make sure that they couldn't have seen us, and i look only to find it was in clear view.

"So?" Reid asks, "You moving back?"

"I'm not just moving back Spence, i'm gonna sit one chair away from you for the rest of our lives" Y/n answers and they all hurray in congratulations.

"Good, because it was getting expensive to go out to eat with you" Penelope tries to say seriously but can't seem to hold her smile.

"Honey, i paid for eating out." Y/n says and i can't help but feel her hand move higher up my thigh.

Forcing me to lean over to whisper in her ear. "I'd pay to eat you out" causing her to choke on her drink. I've always loved to take that reaction out of her, as she has of me. Her hand only striding further up. And it would be funnier if Rossi hadn't also choked on his drink, meaning he heard me. Well, he is sitting on Y/n's other side.

"Well, i'm glad to be back. But..." she leaves the others in the same suspension as i had left her mere minutes ago. "I would like to know what that bet was about, darling"

Morgan, Reid and JJ start sprouting out excuses that makes the rest of us laugh.

"At least now we won't have to set up another mistletoe scene" Reid says instead and tries to take away our attention from the question.

"Oh don't doctor, what was that bet about?" But Reid shuts his mouth and avoids eye contact, as Morgan only smirks but also keeps his mouth shut. So Y/n looks to JJ, "Darling?" who caves as soon as she meets her gaze.

"To be fair, Reid was the one who won" she tries to defend their actions but Y/n can't help but smile as it's quite funny. So do i, "It was if you would go against June"

"You bet against me?"

"No, no, no. We bet if you would do it in front of everyone or in private" Morgan answers and she can't hold it anymore.

"Then you would have won long ago, because i've gone against her a thousand times." minus one, the only time she didn't. But now she has. Because she's staying.

"Not in front of us" Reid says and we laugh once again. Taking another sip of our drinks and some chips.

It's hard to believe that this is actually happening, that this is real. It feels like one of those dreams i've had multiple times before. But this time it's not, it's real. I know it, because the one thing i didn't have in those dreams were her. I mean, i had her but not in the way it was or could have been. It's not really something i can pinpoint but it was just different. Who knows, maybe it was the fact that a frame was not hanging straight on our wall, that our pillows were different colours when i know it's something she hated. Those small things are what made me wake up in tears. Because even when it was a dream, it was more than i had in real life.

And that's when the earlier words caught my attention. A long buried memory that i cherish more than my life. "Wait? What mistletoe?"


"But none of that really mattered. I had found my tribe. It felt like a family reunion for the family i'd never really known, a homecoming at the place where i was always meant to be but hadn't know how to find." - David Levithan

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