Episode sixteen

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"A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people's true colours." - Karla Grimes


Y/n pov

"Oh my gods, do you remember when Rossi first got here and he came knocking on my apartment" Penelope laughs and we all laugh with her, except for Rossi who goes red. He got to hear what really happened afterwards and got really flustered.

"Please it's not like i'm the only one who's ever walked in on a teammate" he defends himself and looks over to me and Emily. And the others just laugh even more as it's our turn to turn red.

"Yeah, i remember this one where you two were late for a team meeting and i had to go look for you guys. It's an image i'll never be able to get out of my head" JJ says and takes another piece of her food. And i realise that i haven't really eaten anything off my plate.

"Oh please, i think we can top that story" Emily says and looks at me, and i see exactly the story which she remembers.

"For sure, that tops it JJ"

"Well you gotta tell us now" Morgan says and even Hotch is a little interested in the conversation. Maybe just because this dinner is a way for us to take a step back from the case and enjoy New Orleans and then get a clearer perspective of the whole case.

"Well, there was this time after that case with the girl who disappeared in the mall. The one who turned out to not be the serial killer" they are all following along in the storytelling i'm telling. "So when we got home, we... decided to celebrate"

"And guess who shows up unannounced, one who has a key and just walks in" Emily finishes the story and the others gasp.

"June?" Hotch indulges in the conversation.

"And Anthony, they both came in and for some reason decided to follow the train of clothes that led into the bedroom" and as i say it i feel her hand resting on my thigh. It's been doing that all of dinner but not until now am i really thinking about it. Everything is sort of too complicated for something natural to come along.

"God, you got so mad"

"Of course, definitely beats the list of my top three moments where i wanted to strangle my sister" one being the fact that she told Em to not contact me, trying to gaslight her into thinking me getting shot was her fault. That she would only get me killed. Which isn't true, if someones gonna get me killed, it's me.

"What about the other two?" Reid asks and i know he can see from the seat next to me that the hand on my thigh belongs to the certain brunette on my other side.

"One was... something" and i can see that Emily guesses it's what she told me, which is correct. "And the third, is when we were kids and she were stealing our half-sisters dolls and i got the blame, making the others tell me that i would be better of dead... or at least gone from their house" and that's called a loving family, not. But i guess now they can sort of understand why i favour June and why i don't leave her. Because i cover for her, take the blame. I made her like his, making her my responsibility. "I even did once, run away i mean, for three days. Only June noticed i was gone, but no one reported me even missing"

"Did you know that of more than 20,500 missing children reports, only 90 percent of those are what considered 'endangered runaways' " oh how i love it when Reid comes with statistics. More than the others for sure. "47 percent of minors who run away from their home report a conflict between themselves and their parent or guardian. Half of the runaway minors report that their parents told them to leave or knew they were running away and didn't care"

One Last Case (Emily x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang