Episode ten

222 5 3

< 12th of January, 2009 >

"No brooding over old worries, let's start a new series. Forget about all the negativities, think of new possibilities. Here to conquer a new frontier, that's all I wish for in the upcoming new year." - Shon Mehta


Y/n pov

As i walk into the classroom i feel a tug of familiarity at the many times the team had gone to lectures. Especially since everyone looks at me and goes quiet. But i guess that's expected since it's the middle of a year, their previous teacher got a new job at Boston university. Convenient for me. According to June at least. And i guess it's not exactly the same, this is a class of 7th graders. We used to lecture at universities and the academy, or for other departments of law-enforcement.

"Hi, i will be your new english professor." i turn my back towards the class and write my name on the piece of chalkboard. I've thought about it for a few weeks, not correcting people when they assume my actual name is Robin. I mean, how are they supposed to know that i don't go by that name. Even if being a woman, and being named Robin, is what confuses people. It's a fresh start. So when when Principal Wells asked me which name i use, cause June had written my whole name, i told him i go by my middle name. A new start, a new life, a new name. "I'm Robin Bailey, and as we only have an hours lesson i would like to get started easy. But since i'm a new face, i'll give you ten minutes to ask any questions you'd like to know about me." a blond girl raises her hand, Harley Giles. I've already memorised the whole yearbook. One would say that i've acquired Reid's eidetic memory, maybe it can happen when you hang out much.

"Where are you from?"

"Originally or just before Philly?"

"Both" two of the girls beside Giles answer.

"Well i was born and raised in Tallahassee. But just before i moved here, i lived in Dale City." but as i see a lot of confused faces at Dale city, i continue. "It's a town in Virginia, it's just outside of Washington DC"

"Where did you work?" a boy asks right out.

"I worked for the FBI, in a specialised unit." many of them mumble cool under their breaths and i smile.

"Why did you switch?"

"I got hurt in the line of duty, so my sister pulled me out." half truth since it's not exactly how it went, but it's as close to the truth i can go here.

"Any other family?"

"A lot, but none that i really talk to. Expect for my sister, June Bailey." and they all know who she is. Everyone here knows who she is The hot shot lawyer who married a photographer, with the sister in the FBI.

"What about kids?"

"No, no, i don't have kids. It's not really for me." it's a small strained laugh that comes out of my mouth. "But i've got a nephew who goes in fifth grade at this school, and then two nieces in kindergarten."

"Have you ever fallen in love?" i'm not sure who called out the question, someone in the back.

"I have actually"

"Why did it end?"

"I moved here, unfortunately, she did not come with me" murmurs goes through as i had said 'she'. It doesn't surprise me that some act surprised at it. When i told June i liked girls she laughed in my face because i didn't look the part. And she tries to pair be off with her male friends, still to this day. I got a call one day only a few months ago, from some guy who June had given my number to. I had to tell him that i wasn't single and that it was a mistake. Luckily, he was nice about it, apologised and wished me a good day. So i ask i question i already know the answer to, just to get away from this scene. "Now, where did you finish off before christmas break?"

"We were gonna read a book, then write what it's about" a girl answers and i smile, picking up the pick from the desk where it had been left for me. And as i open to the first page, i feel a tug in my heart. Because it's not until now that i realise that this is real. That what i've done, i've actually done.

"I'd never given much thought to how i would die... though i'd had reason enough in the last few months... but even if i had, i would not have imagined it like this. I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me. Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone i loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. I knew that if it'd never gone to forks, i wouldn't be facing death now. But, terrified as i was, i couldn't bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me." and with that, i've started a life i don't want. And worse, without the one i want.


"The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or percent than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as i was. As i would always belong to him, so would he always be mine." - Bella Swan

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