Episode twelve

262 5 1

< 13ths of September, 2010 >

"I didn't want to hurt them, i only wanted to kill them."   - David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)


Y/n pov

"What about a farm? It would be secluded and cut off" Morgan suggests as we all stare at the map of the greater New Orleans area.

"It would be the first places the police would look, it has to be something more hidden" Emily answers and takes sip out of her coffee. She's sitting on the other side of the table. Back, when we were together, if we were sitting on opposites sides of the table it would mean that we were having a fight. But now, i don't even know what we are. If we're anything at all. We shouldn't, because after this i need to get back. Or else June will go berserk and fly down here to get me herself.

"Maybe they have a storm bunker they're using" Reid suggests and it sounds about right.

"But why Beth, i mean. She sticks out in the opposite direction to the other girls" Rossi changes the subject on the other side of the table. I glance over at Hotch who knows exactly my idea on that. But neither of us are going to voice it to the team until it can be proved.

"I don't know, but we should't exclude the possibility that they could be on a farm. They could have something underground" Hotch says instead and i catch the eyes that i've been avoiding since the bathroom.

"Maybe they've realised that every young girl within the victimology have been warned and is on high alert. She could be a victim of opportunity" Morgan says and leans back in his chair.

"But it doesn't feel like an opportunity that the girl they took is connected to the Agent that shot one of theirs" It's Reid who voices it out loud. The thought that's only been in our heads.


We've done nothing but work. It's work work work. I mean, i'm a part of it and it's hella important but it all is giving me a headache. And i can't focus on anything.

"Okay, everybody take a ten minute break. Clear your heads and then meet back in here" Hotch says as if he could read my mind. But we all have been starring at the board for half an hour without anything new. I glance at Em who's already looking at me.

"I need some air" i mutter mostly to myself but am fully aware that they all can hear me. But i manage to tear my gaze from Em and walk out the door. As i twist and turn through the department i look back to see her getting ready to follow me, but being stoped by Penelope. I can see them until i get out through that door, the door to the sort of roof part where i can breath the fresh air. Well, since the fact that i need to relax, i've lit a cigarette in my hand i wouldn't say the air is fresh anymore. I place it to my lips an inhale, letting the chemicals burn so lovely down my throat. It's not something i do often. One would profile me as a stress smoker. Because i rarely actually do smoak, used to a lot on the job but... being a teacher aint that stressful. Compared to this.

"I thought you quit?" Penelope asks from the door i didn't even notice she had come through. But i let the air out and all that is left is this ashy taste, convincing my brain to inhale once more before answering her.

"I did"

"But you started again, why?"

"Because i liked it" not entirely true but it's believable.

"Emily's still not smoking" She refers to the fact that we quit together. Before we even got together, when we were just friends. She decided she wanted to stop, so i decided to help her and it ended with us both helping each other stop. Worked out, for awhile. And it did save a lot of money that we could spend on other things instead.

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