Enemy 1: Fuck!

(Y/N) gut checks him and kicks him to the side as Enemy 2 then engages with (Y/N) as his fist clash with (Y/N) arm which (Y/N) then vanishes behind him and kicked him to the floor.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Ren continue tending to Weiss.

Ren: She's hardly breathing. I... I don't know what we can do...

The both of them look down to Weiss as she struggles to breathe, before suddenly stopping.

Jaune: No, it wasn't supposed to be like this! Please! (voice breaking) We can't lose anyone else...

Jaune sadly closes his eyes. Suddenly, a faint shimmering sound is heard and a white aura starts to coat over Weiss' body. Weiss suddenly gasps for breath again.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and smiles softly.

(Y/N): So that's his semblance.

Meanwhile, Cinder, Raven and Vernal are seen riding the platform down to the vault.

Cinder: (to Vernal) Are you nervous, girl? The first Maiden in - why, I'm not sure anyone knows how many years - is about to open a vault. I would say it's quite an exciting time. Don't you feel honored?

Vernal: No, I'm not concerned with any of this. All I care about is my tribe - my family. This is a burden, not an honor.

Cinder: (chuckles) You've conditioned her quite well, Raven.

As the three continue to ride down the platform, they see the vault under Haven Academy - a massive cavern with a large tree that has glowing orange flowers. The platform reaches the bottom, and the gate protecting the vault is lowered into the ground.

Cinder: Hm, it's certainly grander than Beacon's. I wonder what the extra effort was for.

Raven: Can we please not linger?

Cinder: After you.

Vernal steps off the platform first, followed by Cinder, and then Raven, the latter putting her mask back on.

Back above ground, Hazel and Ozpin fight each other intensely, Ozpin dodges several blows as one punch hits a column. Lionheart tries to intervene by launching another attack from Stalwart, but is stopped by a gunshot from Qrow. The two of them begin to fight each other, with Qrow swinging Harbinger at him. Then following up with a kick before blocking several of Lionheart's projectiles. With the two busy Ozpin and Hazel engage each other again. Hazel tries to smash him with his fists, but Ozpin is too fast for him. Nimbly jumping around while striking the man several times. Using Hazel like a springboard to launch himself away, their fight moves back over to the terrace. Ozpin kicks off a wall dodging fists and electric blasts, striking Hazel's face then jabs him several times in the chest. Eventually, Ozpin manages to roll under him and knock Hazel down on all fours with a hit to the legs. Ozpin then twirls his cane and prepares to deliver the finishing blow, but Hazel roars and smashes his fists into the ground, creating another lightning shockwave. Meanwhile, Weiss starts to gasp and breathes normally again as the white aura encoating her continues to glow.

Jaune: Huh? Wha- what's happening?

Ruby: (off screen) Weiss!

Nora helps Ruby up on her feet, who then quickly runs over to her teammate's side.

Ruby: What happened? What's going on?!

Ren: (smiling) I think she's going to be okay! She seems to be stabilizing.

With Weiss breathing again, Ruby smiles, relieved that her friend's life is not endangered anymore. Ruby then hears her sister struggling, she looks over her shoulder to see Yang getting knocked back by Mercury. Yang charges forward, but Mercury's form disappears as a result of another one of Emerald's Semblance hallucinations. Emerald then creates an image of Raven, which Yang is hesitant to attack. Yang then blocks another attack from Mercury, but his next series of hits manage to knock her down again. Ruby then looks over to Oscar fighting Hazel, with the latter's attack becoming too wild and unpredictable for the young boy. Oscar is then hit by one of Lionheart's projectiles and holds his shoulder in pain. Hazel is about to punch at Oscar again, but Qrow pushes Oscar out of the way and takes the blow in his back, launching him upwards. Ruby lastly sees (Y/N) fighting enemy 1 and 2. Ruby then lifts Jaune's hands up to see that Weiss' wound has closed.

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