"I won't be long"

On the way out of the ladies room the door that connected the restaurant to the toilets swung open.

My heart stopped.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Out of all the restaurants in this area he had to be at this one.

He stood there looking like he had seen a ghost. Nice to know he remembers me though.

He was about to say something when I just walked straight past him back to my table.

Back in the restaurant, his entourage were sat at the other end of the restaurant.

I sat back in my chair, clearly everyone in my party could see I was flustered.

"Did you see him?" Amy beamed, I just nodded.

"Are you okay Amber" Drew asked

"Yes I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache" I politely responded.

"Looks like this is our food" Jo pointed out

Getting out of here was all I could think about. I didn't want the food. God I need to leave this hotel.

As the waiter put my food in front of me I noticed MGK was back at his table and he was staring at me so I shuffled my chair over so Jo's head was blocking his and my view.

I barely touched my food, I felt sick and my heart was pounding and Amy wouldn't shut up about that dickhead being accross from us, luckily everyone was hungry so it didn't take them long to finish their food, so I made sure to get the forms signed as quick and as proffessional as possible and just as we was about to leave the waiter came over with drinks filled with champayne.

"We didn't order these" I told the waiter "Did we?" asking everyone at the table and he turned around and pointed to the cheating bastard.

I just wanted to leave.

Drew shrugged and started drinking the glass of champayne.

"Can we have the bill please? As quick as you can" I whispered so it didn't seem as though I was being rude, weird I'm fine with but rude, that's just not okay.

By the time the waiter came back they had finished their drinks, I had made a point not to drink mine.

I paid the bill and said goodbye to Jo and Drew.

"Let's get out of here" I ordered

"What is wrong with you?" Amy asked

"Nothing, please let's just go?" I begged

I could still see he was staring at me along with his drummer and someome else from the band.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Is this about bumping into him the other night?" she questioned

How the hell has she not put this together.

"It's about bumping something" I muttered to myself

"What?" she asked


"I think he likes you, he's just sent drinks over" she said smiling

"Yeah, no. That's definitely not it" I said dryly

"You don't need to be embarrassed about the other night, you are so dramatic, you bumped into him, get over it, he was fine"

If you only knew Amy.

Just as I was about to respond, I heard Kyle's signiture laugh, the others had decided to join us.

For fucks sakes.

"Where is he?" I heard Skylar whisper

"Don't look but he's at the table furthest away to your left" Amy replied

"I said don't look" Amy whisper shouted

I really needed to leave but my anxiety was bad, I don't think I could physically walk out of here.

Just then we heard loud voices and lots of commotion and when you think it can't get any better, it usually does and guess what, it did.

Megan Fox walked through the door and headed straight to the table.

I stood up.

"Night guys"

I walked straight out of the restaurant, back up to my room and flopped onto the bed and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the night.

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