"Well Amber, my name is Colson" I didn't know what to respond to that so I just smiled

"Did you come to the concert?"

"Yeah, it was awesome, your much better live than I anticipated" he looked really offended

"Omg, I'm just joking, I'm really not good with words"

He started laughing... Again

"I see how it is, what are you doing outside  by yourself anyway?" he asked me

And before I had chance to respond a few members of his entourage stumbled out the door and headed straight for him so I just turned away and continued to wait for this god damn uber.

Tonight was a good night, not only did I have great time with my friends but I also got to speak to THE MGK.

Just as I started getting really impatient with the uber driver a lambo pulled up infront of me and rolled its window down "Wanna come for a drive?" Colson asked "Ermm... Yeah sure" I mean why not, life is about making memories and taking chances so I got into the passenger seat.

I'd been so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise himself and his entourage had left.

"So, how long have you lived in England" he asked me

"Well I was born here so all my life"

We started laughing

"and how long is that?"

"I'm 28, such a weird way to ask someone's age" I responded swatting him on the shoulder playfully, he looked so young and sexy

"Really?!" he tilted his head giving me a questionable look

"Yes, I'm 28, keep your eyes on the road" I could see he was looking between my face and the road "Would you like to see my ID?"


I rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes we pulled into the drive through of mcdonalds "I'm so hungry" he told me "Want anything?"

"Just a coke" I responded digging into my bag to grab some money to give to him.

I tried to hand it to him and he gave me a questioning look

"I can afford a coke" he said laughing but there's no way in this world am I letting him buy me a drink, sounds really stupid I know, but he must be so used to people just taking things from him and him paying for everything, So after a minute or so of me trying to get him to take the cash I threw it in the back of the car, throwing enough to cover my drink and his food.

Once he was handed our order we sat in the car park whilist he eat and we got to talking about his music, his daughter and just random things then we left and drove to a country park and found ourselves a spot that looked over a river and you could see the lights from the city. It was beautiful and so peaceful.

I got out of the car and leaned against the bonnet to take in the views and he came and sat next to me.

"Can you hear that?" he asked

I slowly shook my head thinking he was about to tell me he was being followed by paps or fans or something

"Exactly" he whispered

"I love to just get in my car and drive to places like this, even when I'm in a foreign country, sometimes it's just nice to be able to breathe especially with everything that's been written in the tabloids about me recently"

There was many things he could be referring to right now but I have a feeling he was on about his extremely public break up a few months ago with Megan Fox but I didn't push the subject.

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