"Above and beyond," I pulled out her seat. "I'm impressed, though I'm not quite sure it'll beat lunch at my Villa."

Seating gracefully, June chuckled. "Is that an invitation to come over?"

I slowly moved her chair in. "Of course. I'd open the gates of heaven for you."

Her sweet laughter filled the air again. "Stop kidding, I know you'd lead me through the backdoor."

I gave a dramatic sigh. "How do you always see right through me?"

From the corner of my eye, I spotted the manager whispering into a phone behind the counter. His demeanor was grim. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that look resembled the kind of cold expressions I saw on the crooks in the act of committing a crime.

I arched a brow to say 'is everything alright?'

A glare was returned followed by his exiting into the back.

'Something seems off about him.'
I thought.

"So," June's smile fixed my attention. "Tell me something about yourself. Something that's not on the web that is."

"Hmm," I leaned forward. "Well um, I'm not a fan of cliches and that question was just dripping with cliche."

She cracked up and her laughter was so contagious, I couldn't help but snicker.

"Okay," June said. "My bad. That's just how goes in almost every reality tv shows I've seen."

"Oh, you like reality tv shows too? I usually watch them to try to guess what could be real and what's entirely scripted. How about you?"

She shrugged. "Umm, the romance."

"The romance?" I shot a brow up dramatically.

She snickered. "I mean like the dating experiences, lessons, and challenges...I don't know I feel like I'm learning to make better decisions. Of course at the moment, I'm not dating." Her beautiful green eyes held mine. "Yet."

"Me neither," My fingertips played with the menu. "Yet."

"You know, I like to eat scones or jelly doughnuts while I'm watching." She looked up as if imagining the pastries before her gaze flicked back to me. "It makes the moment peak. I don't suppose you've got a snack of choice?"

"I like to serve knuckle sandwiches." Why did I just say that? Stupid impulse! I have to correct myself.

"Say what?"

"I mean I love to serve myself... sandwiches...on my knuckles." The urge to facepalm was killing me. The way this was spiraling made me start thinking we might not end this date with a kiss. "Sorry, what I meant to say was lips--no! Dips! Chips and dips! My go-to snacks."

Like a blast of static, Blitz's voice interrupted. "Hey, smooches. Keep your lips moist for later because we've got company."

As if on cue, a loud slam came from the front door, causing me to launch up to my feet and spin around. Through the glass, I could see a band of buffed men in black leather jackets gathered like moths to a lamp. The one at the forefront kicked the doors again.

"Can't they see it's closed?" June panicked, springing to her feet as well.

I balled my fists. "Something tells me they're here for us."

"But how could they have known we'd be here?" Another slam followed June's question.

The manager burst out from the back room, a bunch of keys rattling in his hands as he briskly made for the front door.

"What are you doing?" We blared in unison. Then all of a sudden, I recognized the tattoo on his neck as he walked past me. A water drop shape with a skull embedded. Only that the drop signified blood; as in the Bleeding Bones.

How could I have missed that before? I subdued a facepalm before running and tackling the gangster, crashing into a table.

I scrambled up, glancing at his knocked-out form then looking at June. "Bleeding Bones, we've got to get to the car. Now."

Immediately, gunshots were fired and the front door caved with a massive shattering. June and I ducked behind the nearest table.

At this point, my heart was pounding. I didn't want to resort to my last option for escape. Not when I could keep it hidden.

I locked hands with June, squeezing reassuringly. "If we go low, we can make it to the back and hitch our ride. Just trust me. In three, two, one-"

With a 'BOOM', the backdoor came off flying across the room. My eyes retraced the trajectory to see that in its stead loomed the big red monster.

June clinged to my shoulders, her lips trembling as Kazar swept his sinister gaze over the place before fixing it on us.

"We meet again, Tekeon."

I choked on my saliva. Did my ears just hear correctly?

"Archer believes you are the man I'm after. I'm here to test that theory." He lashed out his claws.

"J-Jason, what the hell is it talking about? What does it want from you?"

At that moment, time seemed to slow down.

I analyzed my surroundings; armed men barricaded my left and right while Kazar blocked off my front. They all were at least three meters away but that was as close as I'd let them come to June. She didn't have to face my problems.

I looked into those trusting light green eyes for what might be the last time ever. "It's going to be okay."

"How?" She whispered back. "Are you about to call Tekeon?"

I inhaled deeply before rising to my feet.

Glancing down at her, the truth left my mouth as my armor began to solidify. "I am Tekeon."

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