victim of a hatecrime.

Start from the beginning

ian reassured her that he'd be okay and his house wasn't far from there, plus he'd had ran from terry and his goons so many times that he knew escape routes.  but terry was in prison of course so why should he worry?

"are you really sure ian? we wouldn't mind taking you home just as a precaution." veronicas eyes had a state of worry inside of them but ian was adamant on going home himself. he was tired and aching, he hadn't seen mickey all day and he was dying to go home.

ian nodded, "i'm sure v. i'll be okay." he promised and finally veronica nodded as well, "if anything happens, call one of us or make your way back to the alibi. if you're not back by 3:30, we'll close down."

the gallagher chuckled softly, turning to walk out the door, "will do v." he said as he pushed it open and exited. ian started his way down the side walk, lighting a cigarette before digging his hands into his pockets.

he really wasn't that worried. terry hadn't tried anything with him or mickey since that one attack when they were seventeen. ian knew it was a little more riskier now since the milkoviches made the house next door to them, their new home but overall it had been calm.

besides the name calling and occasional threats here and there.

ian hummed to himself, speeding up his pace a little as he got closer to his house, checking over his shoulder once in awhile. the streets seemed pretty empty and quiet . . except for the homeless men rummaging through trash cans for food.

the sky was clear that night and the moonlight lit everything up just perfectly.

then the silence was broken by what sounded like a metal object of some sort was being drug on the pavement, causing ian to turn around to check the noise out. to his horror it was one of mickeys cousins, dragging a baseball bat beside him as he walked towards the red head.

ians heart started pounding and he started walking backwards, his heels turning him around swiftly so he could run . . but he was stopped.

he ran right into terry milkovich.

there was somebody on each side of him, both carrying a weapon of some sort, terry had metal rings on his fingers.

with somebody behind him the ginger was cornered. he had no where to run, he'd screw himself over if he tried.

the gallagher barely had time to think before his vision went black and he felt himself falling to the ground, a sharp pain suddenly arising in his face. it wasn't long before somebody had kicked him in his ribs extremely hard, a bat taken to his side.

ian actually had no idea how long it lasted before he heard a familiar female voice scream at the four men and suddenly the scrambling footsteps taking off and getting quieter in the distance.

he was in all sorts of pain. agonizing pain.

the ginger tried opening his eyes but his vision was blurry, the blood seeping down his face made it impossible to see anything.

"ian its sandy. i'm calling you an ambulance, i don't know how you're still concious." she breathed out, pulling out her phone as she knelt down beside him, "please just stay awake." she begged.

he groaned out and weakly held his side but all he could think about was his boyfriend, "mickey?" was all he heard himself say before sandy witnessed him lose consciousness.

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