santa baby.

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Plot: just gallavich dancing to some christmas music :)


December 5th 2021

Mickey and Ian were sat on the couch drinking the hot chocolate Ian had made for the both of them while soft tunes of christmas music played out of a speaker. This was their fifth christmas together, they had been dating for quite sometime now but every holiday felt like their first one together.

They were alone in the house since the rest of Ians family went out christmas shopping, they took advantage of the quietness and just the time they had alone in general, Mickey of course wasting no time and being as lovey and affectionate as he could be because he hated being affectionate to Ian around people.

Ian enjoyed it because it was rare that Mickey was ever like this, the room was filled with ians soft giggles as his boyfriend kissed his face all over or gently poked at Ians sides, sometimes they'd just share a long passionate kiss or enjoy eachothers warmness. "i beat your ass in that snowball fight." Mickey spoke and earned a sarcastic scoff from the ginger next to him, "yeah right."

"awh is Ian Gallagher scared to admit defeat." Mickey said as he kissed Ians nose, Ian laughed and pushed Mickey away by his chest, "no, you just keep convincing yourself that you won." he retorted.

"Fuck you Gallagher."

"I could go for a round right now." Ian said only being a smartass to piss Mickey off.

Mickey shook his head and stopped to take a sip of his hot chocolate when he heard the song began playing on the radio, smiling and getting up off of the couch, earning a whine from his boyfriend who was enjoying the cuddles he was getting. "oh quit your whining E, get your ass up and dance with me." Mickey said sticking a hand out for Ian to grab.

Ian hesitated at first but grabbed onto Mickeys hand, grunting a bit as he suddenly got pulled up to a standing position.

Santa baby, just a slip a Sable under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Mickey smiled at the tall boy infront of him and started singing along with the song, "Santa baby, a fifty four convertible too, light blue." he grabbed Ian by the waist and slowly led him along to the rythm of the song, "I'll wait up for you dear."

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Ian enjoyed hearing Mickey sing because Mickey was a good singer and only Ian knew that, Mickey rarely ever sung but when he did it was beautiful. He followed along to the rhythm and had a dopey smile on his face, swooning over Mickeys voice.

"Think of all the fun i've missed, think of all the fella's that i haven't kissed." Mickey smiled and kept dancing, kissing Ians cheek as the song played and enjoying his time with his lover, especially knowing Ian loved this side of Mickey.

Next year i could be just as good
if you check off my christmas list

Ian ended up joining in too, considering he had one hell of a voice too.. Mickey always said these type of songs fit Ians voice the most. "Santa baby, i want a yacht and really thats not a lot. Been an angel all year."

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

"your smile looks so fucking pretty E.." Mickey complimented, rubbing the back of Ians hand with his thumb, "i got really lucky with a real beautiful boyfriend." he added on, making Ian blush and smile like crazy.

Santa honey, one little thing i really need
the deed to a platinum mine
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Ian planted a kiss on Mickeys forehead, "you got angel eyes mick, i love those baby blues." he said softly, "you got a perfect voice too.."

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with the duplex and checks, sign your  'x' on the line.

"Santa cutie." Mickey sung out and used his one hand to point at Ian, "and hurry down the chimney toniiight."

Ian scrunched his nose and pressed his forehead against Mickeys, joining in as he sung as well, both of them drowning out the actual song.

"come and trim my Christmas tree with some decorations bought at Tiffanys. I really do believe in you, lets see if you believe in me." they closed their eyes and kept dancing, taking in eachothers warmth and love. "Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring, i don't mean on the phone. Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight."

Hurry down the chimney tonight
hurry, tonight.

And with that the room filled with silence again, leaving both men still swaying and looking into eachothers eyes, holding one another tightly ignoring their surroundings and not even realizing the family had came back.

"they really do love eachother huh." Debbie whispered to Fiona who nodded, "they really do."

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