sleepy face

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Ian and Mickey sat on their couch in their new apartment watching the cartoons on the tv as the snow fell outside their window. It was about 12:30am and Mickey was wide awake but Ian not so much, his eyes got all droopey and he had rested his chin on his knee, yawning a lot more frequently than usual.

The younger boy hated sleeping without Mickey due to the nightmares he had always got so instead of going to sleep he forced himself to stay up until his boyfriend finally went to bed. Usually they were both in bed by 12am but this night was different, Mickey was wide awake considering he and his brothers had just gotten home from hanging out so he wasn't going to bed for at least another hour or two.

"Ian go to bed." Mickey said as he started to notice his boyfriend who was falling in and out of sleep.

"M'not tired." the ginger yawned and continued to watch the tv, his eyes fluttering every once and awhile, it made Mickey chuckle to himself. Ian always got stubborn when he was sleepy.

"lay down on the couch then, you can barely hold yourself up." Mickey kept insisting, planning on making Ian go to bed one way or another. "it's uncomfortable, plus i'm not tired."

The raven haired boy sighed and wrapped an arm around Ian, pulling him down so he was laying down on his lap, running his fingers through the fire red locks. "you're gonna make me fall asleep." Ian tiredly murmured and tried sitting up but Mickeys arm held him down, "Mick stop it." he whined as he felt his body start to relax, damn Mickey Milkovich and his knowledge on how to get Ian to fall asleep.

Ian had never actually told Mickey why he refused to sleep until Mickey himself went to bed, he was always embarrassed to admit he couldn't sleep without his boyfriend, plus Ian always thought him having nightmares at 19 was ridiculous and that he would be made fun of.

Mickey was dying to know, he knew there was a reason.

"i'll stop if you tell me why you hate going to bed without me Gallagher." Mickeys lips curled into a smile as he watched Ian go silent.

"M'thats not fair.." Ian groaned and shoved his face into Mickeys chest.

"its not like i'll make fun of you E." Mickey laughed, "you know that."

Ian sighed and stayed silent, his tired smile turning into bit of a frown, knowing Mickey would break him and make Ian tell him. "yes you will.." he mumbled, the playfulness in his voice fading, this signified to Mickey that it was something serious and Ian was genuinely afraid he'd get made fun of.

He tried turning Ians face over but he refused to let him, "c'mon baby.. i'm seriously not gonna make fun of you." Mickey reassured but all he got was a head shake in response.


"I can't sleep without you." Ian blurted out, causing Mickey to cock an eyebrow, "what?"

"i have nightmares and i can't sleep without you." Ian repeated but slower this time and Mickey nodded, pushing Ian up so that way he could get off of the couch and then put out a hand for Ian to grab.

"come on." Mickey said and Ian looked confused, "you're not tired though, we can stay out here until you're tired." Ian rambled only getting shushed by his boyfriend in return.

He grabbed onto Ians hand and pulled him up, "i said come on Gallagher."

Ian stumbled around but caught his balance and started walking into the bedroom following Mickey who pulled Ian onto the bed with him, opening his arms letting Ian crawl into them.

"g'night sleepyface." Mickey kissed the top of his already sleeping boyfriends head, smiling at the sight of a relaxed but also out of it red head.

Mickey seriously would be lost without him.

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