make up under the mistletoe?

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admin note: i wanna do 25 days of christmas but already missed december 1st and 2nd. I'm just gonna start on december 3rd and go from there.

sad, fluff.

december 3rd 2021.

It was finally december. Ian Gallaghers favorite time of the year was rolling around, Christmas, a holiday his boyfriend Mickey didn't enjoy because he was more of a halloween geek but Ian found pure joy in the holiday. Every year they'd end up with more and more christmas decorations which with no doubt Mickey complained about constantly but Ian didn't care, he just loved having more decorations to decorate with each year, always better than the last.

This year Ian had managed to grab a mistletoe before the stores had ran out, Mickey of course moaning and groaning behind him because he knew the stupid redhead would purposely put it over the two, just so they'd have to kiss.

"I offered for you to stay home mick, you insisted that you would go." Ian said keeping his gaze on the many isles of festive Christmas decorations. Mickey of course knew Ian had given him a choice but he didn't want to admit that he hated letting Ian go places alone, specifically because Ian always had some stupid story about how somebody flirted with him.

In response to Ian, Mickey had just rolled his eyes and kept his arms crossed, mean mugging everyone who had looked at Ian or in Ians direction. "Am i getting the silent treatment now? thats not fair." Ian said playfully and picked up a snow globe, running his thumb over the words carved into the front of it, Mickey still hadn't answered him because he was agitated.

Ian put the snow globe down and glanced at Mickey reading the annoyed expression on his face, already knowing the agitated body language. It kind of hurt Ian because this was something he enjoyed and no matter what he did, Mickey always found a way to complain, Ian remembered the one year he had gotten Mickey a small gift but all Mickey did was call him sappy and weird, basically laughing at him. The sarcasm was real easy to read in his voice when he told Ian how much he had loved the gift, Ian never forgot about that moment but he had never told Mickey about how much it hurt.

After standing there for a few more moments Ian had put down what he picked out and started heading towards the exit, "c'mon mick, lets go home." Ian huffed and pulled the car keys out of his pocket, to which Mickey responded with excitement and relief, only upsetting Ian more. Mickeys face was soon plastered with a dopey smile as he hurriedly got into the car, watching Ian slowly enter the car, "come on Ian, hurry your slow ginger ass up." he said with a small laugh, only to see Ians fake grin appear on his face.

"come on you're not seriously upset about having to leave this stupid store are you?" Mickey scoffed and shook his head in which Ian noticed that Mickey wasn't going to take him seriously so he sucked it up and shook is head, "no just tuning your dumbass out." he chuckled and started to head home.


When the two got home Mickey happily ran up the stairs and into the apartment with Ian trudging behind him, "I think this is the first time in two days we haven't come home with bags of decorations." the short brunette smiled and took his jacket off, grabbing  a beer from out of the fridge. "Mhm.." Ian replied and grabbed the box of christmas letters that he still had to write and send out from off of the book shelf they had, "you're not going to actually write that stupid shit right? nobody ever fucking reads those red." Mickey said with one eyebrow cocked as he walked out from the kitchen.

Ian stood there for a moment and then placed the box back from he had grabbed it from and shook his head, not bothering to say anything back to Mickey and walk upstairs to their room, crawling onto the bed and turning on his favorite christmas movie, "the Santa Clause."  burying himself under the covers. This was the one thing Ian enjoyed doing by himself because he didn't have to listen to Mickey whine or complain the whole time, he found comfort in this movie and it was the only thing keeping him from going off on Mickey because if Ian was being honest, he had enough of Mickeys bullshit for today, Ian Gallagher was fed up.

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