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As the world suddenly stood still, you sat on the floor, clutching your phone in your hands in such a tight grip that you feared the screen would start breaking. You had stopped whatever you were doing upon receiving a mysterious message from an unknown number — and the contents of the messages made a cold shiver run down your back.

Truly, you were questioning if life was playing awful joke after awful joke on you. Your soul had suffered and endured enough already — maybe this was the punishment for your past wrongdoings?

Exhaling and biting your lip, you stared down at the message typed in already, ready to be sent off. Your eyes, no matter how much they burnt and dried out because of your screen's harsh light, never even thought of blinking; instead, they couldn't help but owlishly stare at the three messages that had been sent to you.

Seconds passed away like that — until you decided to finally take action and press the designated button to send your pre-typed message off.


Hey (Y/n). It's Tiffany here...

I caught wind of the whole dilemma with your daughter and— and I just wanted to talk to you before... before it's too late.

Let's meet up sometime?


4 PM today. At Swanlake Park?

A wave of relief washed over you upon finally having summoned the courage to actually reply in a civil and mannered way. Yes — no matter how much you didn't want to see Tiffany right now — the previous days had taught you a valuable lesson: to communicate if you wanted to solve your problems like an adult. And so, you pushed through with clenched teeth and eagerly waited for a reply, hoping she was serious about everything.

After all, her sudden appearance in front of your doorstep hadn't left your mind just yet. And now, after one tragedy after another had befallen you and your family, you suddenly had a new outlook on all the conflict that could possibly be avoided.

Luckily for you, you didn't have to wait long for a reply.


See you there.

This was it. There was no backing out of your decision anymore.

With conflicting feelings, you rose to your feet, wobbly and a little bit shaky and thus having to use the nearby wall for support. Your phone almost fell out of your hand, but you managed to tighten your grip around it in the very last moment before an unfortunate incident could happen. As if caught in a daze, you absent-mindedly ventured through the living room to get to the front door.

Suddenly, the faint sound of something vibrating reached your ears, and you almost jumped and screamed in surprise due to the startled state you were in. Like a deer caught in headlights, you slowly turned around the area to see where the noise could be coming from. Your limbs were rigid and felt like frozen, only relaxing when you found the source of the vibrating to be Ethan's phone.

You thought about calling for him — even if you didn't want to see him right now. Things between you had become painfully awkward ever since the whole ordeal with Hannah's kidnapping. Despite your desire to spare your children of these problems, you couldn't bear to be in the same room with Ethan for more than a few minutes anymore. Truly, he felt like a stranger to you — even worse, at times.

You quickly scrapped the idea of notifying the phone's owner of the incoming call after noticing the name of the person who had called him: Marko.

Marko... the man who had simultaneously ruined your life but also saved you from further being blinded by Ethan's sweet little lies and promises. Although you knew that Marko wasn't much better than Ethan, anyway, you somehow felt inclined to talk to him, wondering if there were more things he could reveal to you; maybe he could even help you! So, as if caught in a trance, your one hand automatically reached out towards the phone to pick it up and—

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now