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It was a rainy evening. You were lazily sitting on the couch and watching TV because bored you had found no other occupation to cure you of your fatigue. A few days had passed since you had been involuntary discharged from work for a week, in which you had started to see your friends' reason for forcing you to rest before returning to the studio.

Earlier, you had tugged James into bed already. Having played with you the whole afternoon had left him in an exhausted state; his eyes had immediately closed when his head hit the pillow.

Matthew was somewhere upstairs in his office, working hard ever since the sun had peeked out from the horizon. In an attempt to communicate more, he had told you that the company's traffic had slowed down by quite a bit after Justize had left the agency under unspecified circumstances. It was nothing he wouldn't survive, he had told you, he had survived worse. Though before the world-wide known singer had left, your husband managed to snatch a personally signed poster from her. He had given it to you today as a surprise; the poster lay sprawled out on the coffee table in front of you, basking in your adoring attention.

"And now, welcome the star of the night — the charming, talented and incredible," the host of the show you were currently watching yelled at the top of his lungs, "Justize!"

Girlish squeals escaped your throat as you watched the beloved woman step out onto the brightly lit stage. Emerald eyes shone charmingly from behind her mask, entrancing the audience and you. She sauntered over to the couch opposite from the host, Finnegan Haas, and sank down into the lavish cushions. Memories of you sitting in her place crawled back up to you. Having been invited to The Haas Show had been an incredible honour to you — and it still was.

"We're honoured to have you as a guest today, Justize." Finnegan shot her one of his charming smiles, his teeth almost blinding you when the lights reflected off of them. "Thanks for coming on such a short notice."

"No, thank you for having me here today, Finnegan." She confidently pushed strands of her luscious blonde hair behind her ear. The diamond attached to her earlobe mesmerised you. "So, how have the last days treated you?" she asked smoothly while shifting in her seat and crossing her legs. Finnegan started to laugh.

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you questions?" he teased in his signature light-hearted way. An angelic laugh escaped the singer's lips. "But yes, I've been good, ma'am. And you? How have you been faring?"

"Amazingly well." The smile on her lips seemed so composed — so controlled.

"That makes me overjoyed to hear," Finnegan hummed. "So, let's talk about your sudden fall-out with your ex-agency, Arcanum Corp., Justize. What exactly happened?"

"Oh, the CEO and I had a small disagreement." Her eyes shone with slight malice and even hurt. "He decided we should part ways."

Finnegan let out a satisfied hum. "So Matthew Arcanum fired you?"

"N-Not really, no," she defended herself with a red face. The slight waver in her normally so composed voice hinted at her creeping embarrassment. "He suggested that I'd be a better fit for another agency. His loss, I guess."

"I see. And what exactly was your relationship to Mr. Arcanum? There were rumours circulating—"

Your chest tightened in pain at the mentioning of your husband. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm your arising anxiety from appearing once again. You trusted him, you told yourself.

"Sometimes, rumours can be true," Justize spoke, causing the audience to gasp loudly in an uproar. All hell seemed to break loose at her words, and even Finnegan wasn't able to control his audience anymore. But she didn't let herself be silenced by the chaos and continued on, loud and clearly. "But most of the time, rumours are false."

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now