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"Who was... who was that woman at home?"

"I-I..." You were speechless at James' sudden inquiry. One moment, you two were walking down the fairly empty streets of Paradise Bay and next second, he was asking you questions you couldn't even truly answer yourself. "I don't know, James. Maybe you could ask your father."

"Never mind," James mumbled before quickly averting his untypically nervous eyes from your sternly forwarded gaze. Your son had always been a curious one, asking questions whenever he could; most of the time, his wit was endearing — today, it was not. Silently, the peaceful walk continued on, the two of you enjoying each other's company and the brisk morning air.

The city was still in some sort of morning dizziness; most people were sound asleep in their beds because of partying late into the night. It had taken you years to get used to the lifestyle and the people here in Paradise Bay. The life you currently led was vastly different from when you still lived with your family in a smaller city. Years ago, you used to be upper middle-class.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when a lone car pulled over to your left and reduced its speed to a mere rolling. With a little honk, the playful driver caught your attention.

"Alfred, hi!" James called out cheerfully, waving at the elderly man. The chauffeur shot the little boy a warm smile, beckoning for you and him to enter the sleek black car rolling as slowly as it possibly could. "What are you doing here?"

"Your father told me to drive you to kindergarten, young master," Alfred explained, his posh accent filling your ears.

Stubbornly, you shook your head. "Thank you, Alfred." You shot the old family friend a grateful smile. But contrary to your words, you kept walking. "But I'd prefer walking today. I need some fresh air."

"But Mr. Arcanum—"

"Thank you, Alfred," you repeated once again with one last look before turning your gaze back forward. James didn't care at all, silently skipping alongside you. He loved walking with his mother; it always made him feel like everything was alright. Humming the soft tune of the lullaby you always sang to him whenever he couldn't sleep, James' other arm swung forth and back in happiness.

Alfred sighed at your persistence. It was something he admired about you, but there were time when your stubbornness just tested his seemingly never-ending patience. "Mr. Arcanum is just concerned—"

"Let him be concerned," you shot at the innocent chauffeur, your voice barely audible because of the car's engine. Alfred understood you nonetheless, causing an exasperated sigh to escape his lips. Before not too long, you sent him an apologetic smile; you hadn't meant to snap at your trusted friend like that. "Anyway, we'd just like to walk — enjoy the morning air and tranquillity before the city wakes up from its hangover, you know?"

"I understand, Mrs. Arcanum."

"You can call me (Y/n), Alfred," you chortled softly. "How many times have I told you that already? We're almost like family."

"Of course, (Y/n)." Alfred couldn't help but smile at your kindness. An unidentifiable shimmer flashed across his aged brown eyes. The words 'almost family' ghosted around in his head like vultures. Even though your words probably didn't hold a deeper meaning to them, Alfred couldn't help but start reminiscing. Literally, you would have almost been family.

When the car made no attempt to turn around or speed away into the distance, but instead kept rolling next to the sidewalk with the speed of a snail, your curious eyes turned to your left again. Finding Alfred day-dreaming and almost driving into a trashcan, you quickly reached out to knock against the car's shimmering roof.

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now