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"Keys, check. Phone, check. Cookies, check. Hannah, no check— Hannah, where are you?" you shouted through the house as you frantically went through the list of things you needed in order to go out and greet the new neighbours having moved in across from you just a few days ago. Awkwardly balancing the tray of home-made cookies in your left hand, your right hand was busy with unclasping the apron you wore from baking said cookies. What better way was there than welcome someone with freshly baked treats, right out of the oven?

"I'm coming, Mommy!" your little daughter's voice rang out from the second floor, accompanied with heavy footsteps approaching your location in the kitchen. Just as you had thrown your pink apron over the chair to clean later, the girl's head poked out from door to the good-smelling kitchen. Her brown eyes lit up in joy, and her hands reached out towards the round treats in your hand. "Cookies! For me?"

"They're for our new neighbours, dear." You couldn't help but chuckle at her cute antics. The smile on her lips morphed into a pout once she realised that they weren't meant for her. Crossing her arms, Hannah huffed in disappointment. Feeling pity for the heartbroken girl, you reached out to pat her soft (H/c) hair. Then, you lowered your hand holding the tray down to her level, so that she could grab one. "You can have one— but just one."

"You're the best, Mommy!" Wasting no time, she immediately swiped a round disk from the tray and zoomed out of the kitchen. "Now let's go greet them! Before I accidentally eat all the cookies!" Shaking your head playfully, you followed after the energetic girl. It would just be the two of you welcoming the new neighbours; Ethan was busy at the bakery, and James was still at school.

Once you arrived in the living room, you saw Hannah struggling with opening the heavy entrance door. You couldn't help but laugh as her tiny hands tried to turn the knob that seemed stuck. In reality, it wasn't stuck; she was just too weak to turn it all the way through.

"Let me help you there," you mumbled once you stood next to her. She let out a frustrated sigh, but eventually stepped aside to let you turn the knob without any problem or exhaustion.

"One day, I'll be able to do that, too," Hannah announced while she proudly strode out of the house, onto the front porch that overviewed most of the peaceful neighbourhood. You watched with loving eyes as she ran in circles around the front yard, arms stretched out wide, and laughter escaping her lips like she had an ocean of it to spare. In a sense, she reminded you of James — of how he could have been this happy, too, if things had gone differently. At those thoughts, your smile turned into a frown. You never were one to think about those heart-breaking 'what-if' scenarios or hypotheses on what could have gone differently, but even you sometimes were susceptible to doubtful thoughts.

The cookie tray in your hand started to shake dangerously. All this time, you had convinced yourself that you were fine — that you had found closure and happiness after years in nothing short of a paradise.

"Mommy?" Hannah called out once she realised you stood frozen in your place. The vexed expression led her to run over to you, hugging your waist in fear that something was wrong. "Mommy? What's up? Are you not feeling okay?" she asked in worry, question after question spewing out of her lips. Your gaze snapped down to the girl looking up at you with doe eyes. The empty look in your eyes disappeared, and was replaced by a hopeful shimmer once you were reminded that you had not only lost, but also gained a lot: a little baby daughter you cherished with all your heart.

"Yes, darling, I'm alright." You shrugged her off awkwardly with a pat on her head. Her frown vanished, and instead a radiant smile appeared. It was highly contagious; and so it came that you eventually couldn't help but smile back equally as bright, as well. "How about we finally go greet the neighbours before the cookies get cold?"

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now