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"Could I have a word with you, sweetie?"

Matthew opened his eyes to a sickly sweet voice seeping into his ears. The scenery had changed yet again; the dream wasn't over and he was probably still sound asleep. Faceless people swarmed him and the person opposite of him, whose face he remembered clearly: Amanda Lowly. His eyes widened as memories of their memorable encounter flooded his mind.

"Uhm... of course..." Matthew mumbled, his eyebrows quirked upward. Truth be told, he felt incredibly uncomfortable, but didn't say a word. He followed right after the blonde who led him to the side-lines of the studio; less people passed by but they were still visible to other people's prying and curious eyes. "Ms. Lowly, right?"

"Indeed, that's me." A smile appeared on her painted lips; no unruly smudge of red lip stick could be seen or noticed. Behind her flashing sunglasses, she seemed to hide something from Matthew.

"So... what do you need?" he asked after moments of uncomfortable silence. "Or... can I go back to searching for my wife?"

Amanda's eyebrows quirked, up and she quickly waved some girl Matthew recognised as your make-up artist over. "Abbey, honey, would you be so kind and go search for the star of the studio?" she asked in a sweet tone, which sent Abbey obediently scurrying off into the distance — not before shooting Matthew an angry glare which turned out rather tame, anyway.

"Will do, Amanda," she said quietly, almost inaudible against the rest of the bustling and rustling noise surrounding them. Then, like a mouse, she was gone, and only Matthew and Amanda remained.

"Now that that is taken care of..." Amanda trailed off as she stepped closer to Matthew. Her face came closer to his; her lips were pulled up into a grin. The male was taken aback by her sudden change of behaviour. The blonde's voice turned low and dangerous, thrilling. "We have something to talk about, buddy."

"W-We do?" Matthew barely knew your agent — only from short meetings here and there. Noticing his anxiety, the smile on the female's lips widened. From how close she stood to him, he could see right through the tinted glass; there was a heinous glint in her striking green eyes.

"I don't like how (Y/n)'s been behaving lately." She ran her hand across his shoulder slowly, as to tease him. Matthew's face contorted into an uncomfortable frown. Was she flirting with him? It really appeared to be like that. He was about to push her away until she made her intentions clear. "Don't you dare hurt my baby girl, you idiot. Have I made myself clear?" She hissed those words with such fury and genuineness in her voice, Matthew couldn't help but be in absolute awe. Pulling her scowling face away when he didn't answer, an annoyed scoff escaped her pursed lips.


"I don't wanna hear any of your apologies," she huffed and swatted his shoulder as if a fly sat there. "(Y/n) is the one you should apologise to."


"I hope I've made myself clear there, husband." Amanda gripped his collar and pulled his face closer to hers. She fletched her teeth; Matthew gulped in fear. "If my baby girl shows up to work close to crying one more time, I'll have your head. Are we clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good—" Amanda turned around to find you approaching, making her push Matthew away carelessly. With a satisfied grin, she waved you over. "Babe, there you are! We've been searching for you far and wide—"

Matthew had stopped listening by then, Amanda's voice pooling together with the static noise around him. To say he was shocked was an understatement; that particular moment had carved itself into his mind — unforgettable. His hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now