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"Yes, Amanda, I'm perfectly fine." You tried your best at a smile while your make-up assistant, Abbey, dusted your face with all sorts of powder she had lying around to make you look like a porcelain doll. Amanda, pacing back and forth next to you with the heels of her expensive shoes clicking against the ground, didn't exactly calm your nerves due to her constant moving. "I'm just a little bit tired. Aside from that — I assure you — everything is super-duper great."

"Are you sure?" Amanda mused as she adjusted the soft trim of her fancy coat, her red nails reflecting the bright lights attached around the large mirror you were currently sitting in front of. Curiously, and out of nowhere, she asked you something that left you dumbfounded. "How is your husband doing... what was his name? Marcus? Marco?"

"Matthew." Your lips pursed into a thin line, you couldn't help but turn your head to the side to look at Amanda with narrowed eyes. Your sudden action caused Abbey to accidentally overdraw your lipstick; she squeaked in surprise, like a little mouse. You were left unfazed. "What do you want with him?" You couldn't help but feel unnerved by her sudden question. Yes, you trusted her, but what if there were more women than just Tiffany whom he was—

"I'd like to have a good word with him; we have some unfinished business, so it seems. Now tell me — while you're already staring at me — do my eyebrows look good enough, darling?" Amanda asked casually, as if her words had no deeper meaning or intention to them. Your paranoia clung onto you like wet fabric; it made you feel uncomfortable and filled your mind with scenarios that had no chances of ever happening. At your silence, the boisterous female turned her head to her right, her worried eyes boring into yours. "(Y/n)? You alright there?"

"Of course—" you seethed through your teeth, not having a chance to say more because Abbey gently grabbed your chin and shifted your face back into its prior position. With a little click of her tongue, the petite female went back to work. Brushes glided across your skin skilfully, causing you to relax a little bit.

"You really do have heavy eye bags..." Abbey commented with a concerned frown of her own. Pushing a strand of her red hair behind her ears, she shot you an unusually courageous smile. "(Y/n), you know that if you have any problems, you can always come to us, right?"

Poor her was ignored. Your rumbling mind was set on thousands of vexing questions probably no one had an answer for. Perhaps someone would have the answers, but you weren't too sure whether you wanted to know them or not.

Gazing at the female applying lipstick to her already starkly coloured lips, you tried to push the crawling paranoia away as best as you could; she probably hadn't meant any harm when asking how your husband was doing, right?

Yes, you convinced yourself, she was just weirdly curious.

"I think I'm done, (Y/n)," Abbey announced, thus snapping you out of your trance. Shooting her a thankful nod, you carefully climbed out of the chair. The large loop dress pooled around your feet like a sea of waves, almost causing you to trip over the seams when adding in the aspect that you were wearing heels. You felt awfully artificial with all the make-up caking your face and all the hairspray in your (H/c) hair, but well, you looked like a royal from those beautiful portraits in a museum.

"Amazing job as always, Abbey," you complimented her work, testingly twirling around in your new attire — with the utmost of care not to trip, of course. At your kind words, her eyes lit up. "You've outdone yourself—"

"You look totally fabulous, babe!" Amanda exclaimed and slightly slid her sunglasses down to reveal her bright green eyes looking you up and down. Before soon, she offered you her arm — which you took — and guided you out of your personal dressing room. "They'll be in awe, Lady Gloria."

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now