Chapter 25: "Truly, all I needed."

Start from the beginning

I sighed. Nearing our booth on the second floor of the club, the hatred coursing my bloodstream dwindled down the farther I got. From where I was standing, I could see Harper's golden hair draped over her smooth shoulders, her face hidden. Even from this far away, the magnetic pull she had on me didn't waver. Instead, the urge to break a few of Kyle's teeth was replaced by the urgent need to hold Harper in my arms and let her presence wash away the remnants of my violent thoughts.

Yep, that's exactly what the doctor ordered. Her smile was my medicine, her proximity the antidote to the poisonous thoughts a certain little fucker inspired in me. I walked faster towards her.

My heavier than usual footfalls finally brought me back to our private booth, where what I found made the slowly simmering rage in the pit of my stomach bubble right back up past it's previous peak.

My sweet Harper was hunkered in a corner, fidgeting with the hem of her dress and smiling that practiced faux smile up at Monica and her friends. She was cheering them on on their twerking contest, but I recognized the faraway look in her eyes. I found it hard to breathe, like someone was crushing my windpipe in their fist.

That's it. In a split second decision, my mind took a sudden, sharp U-turn just like that. The tire-burning, road-skidding, dangerous kind that I vaguely knew, somewhere in the back of my head, wasn't right.  But it was so cloudy up in there, rage taking up most of the space that it pushed reason and virtue right out. Closing the remaining distance between us, I shrugged off my blazer and told Harper to wear it. "Here, you're shivering. And I got your water. Stay here, I'll be right back. I swear, Harp, then we'll go home."

She looked up at me from her seat questioningly, but didn't get the chance to inquire as I kissed her lips in reassurance. Reassuring her or myself, I wasn't sure. Probably us both.

The next stop was over at the other side of the booth where Nic was attempting to shake booty upside down. With her hands on the floor and her high heels on the seat, the birthday girl was failing miserably at the task in hand. Seeing her just being her goofy self caused me to smile for a fraction of a second. Helping her stand right side up, I pulled my favorite lawyer on retainer — and by retainer, I mean my friendship— aside and said, "Watch Harper a sec for me, will you Nic? I'll be right back."

"Where're you going?"

"You remember our latest What Would You Do sesh, right?"

Monica was evidently was confused on why I was bringing that up right now, her perfect brows knitted together as she asked, "Yeah, why...?"

"Still stand by it?"

"Duh." She burped, pursing her lips after in oops. "But again, why?"

I pecked her forehead. "Good."


I didn't get to hear the rest of what she said for I was already walking away once again. Looking back a last time, I caught sight of her pulling Harper up to join their drunken dancing contest. Streaks of blue and red light crossed her face in intervals as a small but genuine smile eventually pulled at her lips, making my girlfriend look ethereal.

And it only caused my intentions to solidify.

I made it back to the bar in record time. "A gin and tonic please." I smiled sweetly. "On him." Tilting my head towards Mr. Nice Guy himself, who was once again smirking at me.

"Look who came back."

"Look who stayed, waiting for me."

A clear glass filled with my drink of choice was placed in front of me. I downed it in one go. It wasn't like I'd feel it's effects, it was my first and last drink of the night after all. With that, I started to walk away, leaving the man confused. Hook. Only turning back when I was halfway to my destination. "Up for some fun?" Line.

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