𝟗𝟕- 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦

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It seemed that with the news of ten Death Eaters on the loose, everyone was working harder to practice defense against the dark arts.

And nobody was working harder than Neville.
He was concentrated deeply on every jinx and counter curse they worked on.

Along with the DADA lessons, Harry decided to add on one more thing. Just in case.

"I'd like to take a break from spells to teach one more thing before we head out. For this, I asked my very own sister to teach us. She's more experienced in this than I am."

Everyone shared confused looks. Fred stared at her beside him with a raised brow.

Y/n stepped up beside Harry, hand on her hip as she was excited to announce what she'd be teaching them, a smug smirk on her face.

"There's the chance you won't need this considering we all have wands and it's not like Death Eaters are going to fight us hand to hand." She spoke, stretching her arms up. This added to everyone's confusion.

"Either way, it's a possibility. Consider this; you're up against a death eater and neither of you have your wands. They'd likely try to fight or flight. I'm going to teach you to fight." She announced proudly. "And don't worry, I can heal any bruises left."

The class went silent before some bellowed in excitement and others weren't so sure about participating.

Zacharias Smith was the first to say something. "You're going to teach us to fight? What does that have to do with defense against dark arts?"

"This is more than just defense against dark arts now." Harry responded. "We need to be prepared for anything that comes at us, and we need to be able to defend ourselves in any way we can."

Hermione then raised her hand, Y/n nodded at her, urging her to speak.

"But won't it be suspicious if we're all bruised up? Someone can get seriously hurt and Umbridge will ask questions! This is unethical and—"

Y/n cut her off with a laugh. "You're worrying way too much. I won't pair you off so quickly, I'm only teaching the basics, and like I said, I can heal bruises and if anything gets broken then we'll end it."

Just then a punching bag appeared in the middle of the room. "We'll start with this."

── ──

Ginny was the first to step up. This wasn't her first fighting lesson with Y/n.

Y/n bandaged her hands. "Remember what I taught you." Ginny nodded and stood in front of the punching bag.

Y/n gave instructions as Ginny demonstrated. "Keep your feet shoulder width apart and your weight evenly balanced on both feet. Knees and hips should be slightly bent."

Zacharias spoke up. "You really think a death eater is going to box us?"

"You're right, perhaps I should just take the mats out and pin your ass to the ground." Y/n responded, looking at him with a smirk. "Honestly, no, I don't. But the least I could teach you is to throw a damn punch. And this is a way to teach you instead of having me charge at you and punch you." She shrugged.

"I'd stay silent now, mate, wouldn't want to end up like Malfoy." George whispered to Zacharias, snickering softly.

"Continuing. Keep your elbows in and your hands up, with your left under your cheek and your right under your chin. Keep your chin down at all times. If you're a right-handed fighter, the proper stance is to have your left foot in front of you, pointing away from your opponent at a 45° angle.  If you're left-handed, reverse the stance and lead with your right foot."

Ginny did as instructed and everyone else mimicked her stance. Y/n walked around as Harry does when he teaches, helping those who struggled with their stance.

"Stand on your toes. This will help evade your opponent and move quickly."

She stood by Fred for a while, pushing him back. "Otherwise, your opponent can easily knock you back." She grinned at him, walking away. He admired her as she walked away, standing on his feet.

She went back to Ginny who was lightly bouncing on her toes from side to side.

"Now, there are four primary punches. But as a reminder, keep your hands close to your face and your elbows tight against your body. Put your weight into the punches your throw."

Y/n instructed Ginny to step back. "Stance." She stood in proper stance. "Cover your face." She put her arms up to cover her face. "Jab." She threw a punch at the punching back, the bag moving back slightly. "Cover again." She put her arms back up.

Ginny then took her place, following her lead.

"Good job." Y/n praised before looking to everyone. "Okay the first punch. The Jab is used by your non dominant hand. Keep your head straight, chin tucked, land with your index and middle knuckles; your thumb should stick out. Turn your fist so that your palm faces down."

And as she explained, she demonstrated with Ginny following her lead beside her. "Now all of you try." Y/n walked away, watching as everyone practiced their jabs. "Great, so far you're all doing pretty good. Thumb out, Lavender, otherwise you can break it."

Lavender gasped before sticking her thumb out.

Y/n continued to walk around before looking at her watch. "I think thats enough for today... so far you're all getting the hang of it." Harry then stepped forward. "Alright, everyone, thats all for today. Remember to go out slowly and in small groups."

As people started leaving, Y/n looked down to her brother. "Well... how was it?"

"I don't think everyone is for it... but you're doing a great job at teaching."

"Oh great, I was worried I'd do a horrible job. Boxing really isn't my forte... I usually just jump them and punch repeatedly." She demonstrated by punching into her hand repeatedly, grinning. "I had to do some prior research.."

"I wouldn't have noticed." Harry chuckled dryly. "Thanks for agreeing to do this."

"Of course, I'll always help you out." She ruffled his hair. "Gotta go, friends are waiting." She smiled and made her way over to Alicia and Angelina.

The three girls laughed on their way out as they made jokes, Y/n flexing her arms in the process.

── ──

January passed by relatively fast.
DA meetings had gone great.

Harry continued to teach curses and defenses and Y/n continued to teach them to fight.

She taught them to punch, pin, kick and if it ever came to it, knocking out.

She left proud of herself after each class.
And something about seeing her fight seemed to turn Fred on because he couldn't keep his hands off her after each DA meeting.

They'd sneak off past bedtimes and enjoy their lonesome in the Astronomy tower, or the Prefects bathroom.

And soon came Valentine's Day.
And Fred had something special planned.

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