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"I wouldn't mind if I could just get out occasionally and do something useful. I've asked Dumbledore whether I can escort you to your hearing - as Snuffles, obviously - so I can give you a bit of moral support, what d'you think?" Sirius looked to Harry, speaking hopefully.

Harry felt as though his stomach had sunk through the dusty carpet. He had not thought about the hearing once since dinner the previous evening; in the excitement of being back with the people he liked best, and hearing everything that was going on, it had completely flown his mind. At Sirius's words, however, the crushing sense of dread returned to him. He stared at Hermione and the Weasleys, all tucking into their sandwiches, and thought how he would feel if they went back to Hogwarts without him.

"Don't worry," Sirius said. Harry looked up and realised that Sirius had been watching him. "I'm sure they'll clear you, there's definitely something in the International Statute of Secrecy about being allowed to use magic to save your own life."

"But if they do expel me." said Harry quietly, "can I come back here and live with you?"

Sirius smiled sadly. "We'll see."

"I'd feel a lot better about the hearing if I knew I didn't have to go back to the Dursleys'," Harry pressed him.

"They must be bad if you prefer this place," said Sirius gloomily.

Y/n couldn't help but stare at the interaction between the two of them. Within her thoughts, she felt responsible for how Harry felt growing up. Although the Dursleys' raised him horribly, she left him alone.

And that guilt will never wash away.

── ──

Thursday morning, Y/n was in the kitchen with Molly, Arthur, Lupin, Sirius, and Tonks.

"What were you saying about Scrimgeour?" Lupin asked Tonks.

"Oh... yeah... well, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions..." she replied.

Harry walked into the kitchen, yawning. He wore his freshly ironed clothes. "Morning." He spoke to them.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Y/n asked him, quickly jumping to her feet. "Toast is fine." He said as he sat down. She quickly hurried to make him toast. "Now remember, don't lose your temper, be polite, and stick to the facts. Don't speak unless spoken to, and– do the Miranda Rights exist in the wizarding world? Is that a thing here? Should be."

She was rambling. Which seemed to amuse the adults around her. She placed a plate of toast with marmalade in front of him. Molly then took over. "It'll all be over in no time." She told him, combing his hair with a wet comb. "Does this ever lie flat?" She muttered. Harry shook his head.

"Remember, the law is on your side." Lupin told him. "Even underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life threatening situations."

"It'll all be over soon," Mr Weasley said bracingly. "In a few hours' time, you'll be cleared."

Harry said nothing.

"The hearing's on my floor, in Amelia Bones's office. She's Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and the one who'll be questioning you."

"Amelia Bones is okay, Harry," said Tonks earnestly. "She's fair, she'll hear you out."

Harry nodded, still unable to think of anything to say. "How are you feeling?" Y/n asked him. He shrugged. She quickly hugged him. "Good luck."

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