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── ──

No one in the Gryffindor tower slept that night. They all stayed in the common room, The castle was being searched once again.

Y/n had been sitting in a corner, hugging her knees and staring blankly at the floor. Fred was sitting at her side, his head on her shoulder. She rested her head on his.

He would often whisper words of comfort into her hair, trying to convince her to sleep as he would plant small kisses on the side of her head.

At dawn, McGonogall had came back to tell them that Sirius Black had escaped again.

── ──

The next day, it was obvious that Hogwarts now had tighter security.

Sir Caddigan was sacked and the Fat Lady had came back. Two trolls guarded her portrait.

Ron had become somewhat of a celebrity and he was clearly enjoying it. He was happy to tell anyone about that night if they asked.

Neville was in such disarray. Professor McGonogall was so furious with him that he had been banned from all future Hogsmeade visits and forbidden anyone to give him the password to the common room.

He was forced to wait every night for someone to come and let him in.

Y/n couldn't help but feel terribly sorry for the poor boy. She knew he had trouble remembering things, and Sir Caddigan always changed the passwords. Writing them down was a good idea, but he did lose them.

'Not purposely.' She'd remind herself.

── ──

Two days after Sirius's break in, Neville had received the worst thing any Hogwarts student could receive.

A howler.

"Run for it, Neville." Ron had advised him. Neville grabbed ahold of the howler and sprinted out of the Great Hall.

The Slytherin table laughed.

Y/n sighed as she ate her breakfast. She could hear Neville's grandmother telling him how he brought shame to the family.

She glanced and her eyes trailed as she saw Ron and Harry walking off.

She shrugged it off and continued to eat.

── ──

Back at the common room, everyone was reading the notice board.

The next Hogsmeade trip was next weekend. Y/n walked over to Ron and Harry. They were discussing quietly before she leaned down and whispered to them, "why are we whispering?"

She smiled as they shared startled looks.

"Harry!" They turned to look at Hermione. "Harry, if you went to Hogsmeade again, I'll tell Professor McGonogall about that map."

Y/n visibly rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "No doubt you will." She said.

"Can you hear someone talking, Harry?" Ron said, not looking at Hermione.

"Ron, how can you let him go with you? After what Sirius Black nearly did to you. I mean it, I'll tell." She said.

Y/n looked to her, a brow arched and arms crossed. "So now you're trying to get Harry expelled?" She spoke, furiously. "Haven't you done enough damage this year?" Ron added.

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