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"Miss Potter, we're aware of your violent aggressions towards other students. You can talk to us, is something the matter?" The counselor spoke with a worried facade.

"I was provoked." Spoke a seven year old Y/n. Her arms were crossed as she stared at the wall. "Would you mind explaining?" She didn't respond.

"We will have to call your guardian." The counselor warned. Y/n stiffened, thinking of what her punishment may be. After a few seconds, she spoke up "go for it."

── ──

"Fred! George! We are so gonna get in trouble by your mum!" A eleven year old Y/n panicked, this was the first time she would get in trouble with Mrs. Weasley.

She didn't want to get punished. She didn't want to get kicked out.

"Don't worry, Y/n—" "FREEED! GEORGEEE!"

The three of them stiffened. "Do you have any idea how long I have had that vase?! It was passed down to me by your great-great-great-great-great grandfather!" Molly ranted.

"M-Mrs. Weasley, it wasn't them... it was me. I broke the vase. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... please don't kick me out..." y/n's voice was barely a whisper.

Molly's face softened. "Oh dear, I'm not going to kick you out. To be honest, I never quite liked that vase. All my flowers died in it." Molly smiled and hugged the girl. "This is your home now."

Y/n smiled, hugging the woman back. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley..." she mumbled. "Call me Molly, dear."

── ──

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd of ten year olds chanted as one girl and one boy stood in the middle of the circle that formed.

"Come and get me, orphan! Or are you weak like your pathetic brother?" The boy taunted. The girl's face shifted to her brother's form who was pinned down by a bigger boy.

Y/n's face contorted in anger, she pounced on the boy, not once did she hesitate to punch him repeatedly and repeatedly. The boy was left crying for his mother and blood dripped from his teeth. Her knuckles were bruised but she brushed the pain off. She also brushed the pain away from the few hits the boy managed to get in.

The girl only stopped attacking the boy when she was pulled away by security officials. But as she continued to glare at the other boy who held her brother, she noticed his nose start to grow until it was too big for his face. The boy in fear ran away, occasionally tripping over his nose.

This caused the crowd of kids to become amused and her brother as well, they all broke out in laughter. But Y/n's amusement was ruined when she walked into the office and saw the angry faces of her uncle and aunt.

She knew what she was in for.

── ──

"Hey, Y/n! You look nice today." Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team complimented the girl. The girl smiled, she could feel her face heating up. "Thank you, Oliver... you look nice today too." Her twelve year old heart couldn't help it.

The boy smiled and walked his own separate way. Y/n continued to walk after her two best friends. "YoU lOoK nIcE tOdAy" Fred mocked.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, Fred~" Y/'n teased. "Oh yea, real jealous, he is." George added. Fred roughly grabbed his brother, ruffling his hair. "Am not!" "Are too!"

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