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── ──

It was the day before the second task.
Harry had told Y/n about the clue within the egg and for the past few days they had been looking for answers on what it could mean.

"I know what I should've done, I should've learned to be an Animagus like you and Sirius." Harry said, sighing deeply as he looked at Y/n.

"It takes years to learn." Y/n sighed, shutting a book. "And it's such a hassle."

"Then you have to register and everything." Hermione told them, eyeing Y/n. Y/n snorted, laughing softly. "I'm enjoying my last years of freedom before registering."

"It's no use." Ron spoke up, shutting his book. "Who on earth wants to make their nose hair grow into ringlets?"

"I wouldn't mind." Fred's voice was heard from behind Ron. "Hello, love." He greeted Y/n with a kiss on the cheek.

"What're you two doing here? I didn't even think you two knew where the library was." Y/n retorted, eyeing the two twins with a smirk.

"Is that what this is?" George feigned shock. "We've never been this far in the castle. There's so many... are these books?" He picked up one of the books on the table.

All except Hermione laughed. "Seriously, what are you two doing here?" Ron inquired.

"Looking for you." Fred said. "McGonagall wants you. And you, Hermione." George added.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Don't know... she looked a bit grim tho." Fred replied. "We're supposed to take you down to her office."

Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. Perhaps McGonagall was aware that the two had been helping him.

"We'll meet you back at the common room." Hermione told them, standing up with Ron. "Take as many books back as you can."

Fred planted a soft kiss on Y/n's lips, easing her nerves. "See ya later, love." He told her as the two twins escorted Hermione and Ron out.

The two Potters continued their research and once the library was closed, Harry and Y/n carried as many books back to the common room.

Y/n eventually felt sleepy, so she wished her brother good luck and headed up to her dorm room, jumping into bed and falling asleep immediately, with happy dreams filling her head.

── ──

It was 10 minutes before the second task.
Y/n stood at the stands, checking her watch every few seconds. She looked toward the dock where the champions stood but couldn't spot Harry anywhere.

Or Ron. Or Hermione, for that matter.

Did he find a way? Are they still researching? What if he doesn't come on time? Where is Harry? What if he's still sleeping? Where is Ron? What if something happened? Where are they?

Y/n jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Worried, love? The little git will be fine!" Fred exclaimed. "He better be, I've got bets on him." George spoke up from beside Fred.

Y/n took Fred's binoculars from his hands, pressing them up to her eyes and looking to the dock. "I'm sure he'd be fine..." she spoke. "If he shows up, that is." She finished speaking, with a slight huff.

"Oh yeah..." the two twins spoke.

And he did show. With just three minutes on the clock, Harry showed up.

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