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── ──

The trio was back in the common room, whispering to each other.

"How are you sure it's Ginny?" Y/n quietly asked George. "I overheard the professors talking about it. I was trying out our new invention then I—" George was cut off.

"Okay... what are the professors doing?" She asked. "Do they have a plan?"

George sighed. "Lockheart is gonna go get her—" "Not that idiot! He couldn't even fix my brother's arm!" Y/n exclaimed.

McGonagoll came into the common room.
The three looked at her, they figured she was going to say something about Ginny.

"I am sorry to inform you all of this, but...a student has been taken into the chamber. The Hogwarts express will be taking all of you home tomorrow. Pack your things. No one stays." She explained.

Y/n stood up. "Professor—" she cut off. McGonogall looked at her with sad eyes. "The student is Ginny Weasley."

The students looked towards them. They all suddenly felt bad for the Weasleys.

"Pack your belongings, students." With that, she walked out.

── ──

The Gryffindor common room was crowded yet quiet. Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and Y/n were all sitting together in a corner of the room. No one dared to say a word.

Y/n tried to comfort Fred by placing a hand on his shoulder but he brushed her off. Near sunset, the twins didn't say a word and headed off to bed.

Y/n decided it was time to head to bed as well and went off to her room. None of her roommates dared say a word to her. She found that she couldn't sleep and stared at the ceiling.

To be honest, she was afraid to sleep. Afraid she'll wake up to some terrible news in the morning about Ginny.

Y/n decided to take a stroll. Not the best idea during this time, but she would just make sure to not get caught. And so she did.

She stood up and walked out of her shared room, walked out of the common room, her wand right up her sleeve in case she encountered something.

She carefully made her way around Hogwarts before coming near the girl's bathroom that was famously known as Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She could hear talking coming from inside, so she slowly let her wand drop from inside her sleeve, holding it tightly in her hand.

Y/n inhaled before making her way into the bathroom, wand at the ready, she was prepared to fire at whoever was there. But the scene before her wasn't what she imagined.

There stood Harry, Ron, Myrtle, and Lockheart. They all looked towards her, Ron and Harry with their wands up, shock was written all over their faces.

"Harry?!" She yelled in a hushed tone. "Y/n! What are you doing here?!" He rushed to question. "Hello, Miss Potter." Lockheart grinned at her. "I have more reason to be here than you, Harry. Ron, Harry, what is going on?" She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.

They went on to explain about the basilisk, and that that was inside the chamber. They also explained how Lockheart was a fraud.

Y/n nodded at every word. "Alright... well, since I'm here. I'll help. In whatever way I can."

Harry and Ron knew it was futile to argue against her and they didn't have much time to waste so they nodded.

"Well, it looks like you don't need me, Miss Potter is a star pupil—" Lockheart tried to make his escape, but Y/n pointed her wand at him. "You stay put. Set one foot out that door and I'll make sure to get my revenge for what you did to Harry's bones." Lockheart stepped back.

── ──

The group was trying to figure out how to open the entrance to the chamber.

"Look, there's a snake right there." Harry pointed to a tap. "That tap's never worked." Myrtle spoke up.

"Harry! Say something, say something in parseltongue!" Ron suggested. Harry stared at the snake. "Open up." He whispered. Ron and Y/n shook their heads. "English." They said.

Harry focused on the snake again. After a few moments, a hissing sound came from him.

The sink began to open up and they stepped back, away from it. They glanced down at the dark entrance that was just opened.

"I'm going down there." Harry said. "Me too." Said Ron. "Well, you obviously don't need me." Said Lockheart and he tried to escape but Harry, Ron, and Y/n pointed their wands at him.

"You can go first." Y/n said as she tilted her head, smiling innocently. "This'll make a great, ORIGINAL, story." They stepped closer with their wands.

Lockheart began to back up, once he was close enough, Ron gave him a push. Harry soon followed then Ron. Y/n followed after debating if she should. She could see other pipes branching off but none as large as this one.

She began to think about the landing, but before another thought could come through, they shot out of the pipe, landing on the damp floor. Lockheart was just getting to his feet, covered in slime.

"This is so gross." Y/n murmured to herself as she stood up and tried to dust herself off as best as she could.

"We must be miles from the school." Harry spoke up. "Under the lake, probably." Ron said. It was dark. "Lumos." Harry said, waving his wand. "C'mon." He told them and the three of them followed Harry down the wet, dark tunnel.

"Remember, any sign of movement, close your eyes right away." Harry reminded them.

The first sound that was made was as Ron stepped on a rat's skull. Y/n grimaced, looking away. "I hate rats..." she mumbled.

"Harry! There's something up there!" Ron pointed out and they all froze.

Harry slightly stepped forward and they could see the outline of snake skin. "It shedded?!" Y/n questioned. "That thing looks huge!"

"Blimey." Ron weakly spoke. There was a sound behind them and they all turned their heads. Lockheart's knees gave up.

"Has old age gotten to you already?" Y/n witted. "Get up." Ron said sharply, pointing his wand at him. Lockheart then got his feet and dashed towards Ron, dropping them to the floor and when he stood up, he stood with Ron's wand in his hand.

Y/n narrowed her eyes at Lockheart, her wand pointed at him. She could notice the tape holding Ron's wand together and knew that whatever Lockheart was planning would backfire on him.

"The adventure ends here. I shall take a piece of this snake skin, go back up to the school and tell them that I was too late to save the girl and that the three of you lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body." Lockheart grinned. "Say goodbye to your memories."

He held Ron's wand high up, pointed at them and bellowed, "obliviate!" The wand exploded, the three of them ran away as chunks of the ceiling started to collapse.

"Are you two alright?" Y/n asked them, examining their heads. "I'm alright." They muttered. "Where's Lockheart?" She asked. "He was blasted by the wand." Ron spoke up.

"Ow!" They heard. It was Lockheart. "You two wait here." Harry told them. "If I'm not back in an hour..." there was a long pause.

"We'll try to get rid of some of the rocks." Ron said. "I'll be back in a bit." Harry said, and he made his way past the snake skin.

"Please be careful!" Y/n shouted after him. She looked at Ron. "Alright, let's think of a way to escape this tunnel." Ron nodded.

"I should've just stayed in bed." She muttered to herself, sighing softly.

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