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The next day, Y/n felt great. Her roommates stared at her when she first awoke.

To them, it was as if she was a human traffic accident and they were all slowing down to look at the wreckage. But the damage had been done, and she decided it was better to let go of it.

Alicia and Angelina weren't convinced. They were concerned for their friend and Y/n knew this but she would tell that she was fine and instead would throw them off by asking about Quidditch or breakfast, or what they learned in class.

They made their way to breakfast where they met up with Lee, George, and Fred. Y/n sat next to Fred and was immediately met with his charming signature smile. She smiled back, all troubles washing away.

── ──

Breakfast sure was something. Turns out, George and Fred had slipped something into Angelina and Alicia's pumpkin juice, so their tongues began to inflate. They had to go see Madam Pomfrey.

Y/n found it funny but she didn't want to laugh in front of them so instead she stuffed her mouth with eggs and bacon.

Also, at the Slytherin table, Malfoy was talking about some wound he got in class. "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" She could hear Pansy Parkinson ask. Y/n rolled her eyes. She believes it's his own fault for antagonizing the hippogriff. Because it was, she knows what it's like to be antagonized to your breaking point.

Harry then came in and sat with Ron and Hermione. He was looking broody. Y/n slid over to him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Haven't you heard?" Ron asked. "Harry got the Grim in divination yesterday! I'm trying to tell them to take it more seriously!" He shouted out to her. "Oh, please Ron, you know that's a load of rubbish. Divination is totally farce!" Hermione exclaimed and looked to Y/n as if she would agree. Ron and Harry then looked at her.

"Ah, divination." Y/n shrugged in response. "Trelawney is... a bit crazy... In my third year, she told me I would get injured during Quidditch and I did! Remember? I got that scratch on my head! Although she said it would ruin my Quidditch career and that never happened... and she's actually predicted the deaths of many students, none of which have come true." She informed them.

"There! So you don't have to worry, Harry!" Hermione exasperatedly said.

"I agree, but don't be too close minded about it either." She said, looking at Hermione. She looked back to Harry. "A lot of her prophecies don't come true. So, take it lightly or don't take it seriously at all." Y/n slid back to Fred.

"You should've told them that she predicted our deaths as well." Fred chuckled as he nudged her. Y/n shook her head. "I nearly died last year, it would've freaked them out."

He eyed a slice of toast on her plate and Y/n fed him the slice of toast. "Well, I haven't!" Fred exclaimed as he chewed on the toast, grinning. "I've overcome fate!" Y/n scrunched her nose in disgust. "Don't speak with your mouth full." He swallowed then opened his mouth for more.

She fed him once again and shook her head. "You're such a baby." She told him. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "well then maybe i should call you mommy~" he smirked as her face reddened.

She shoved the toast into his mouth, looking away as she covered her face. He began to cough and laugh at the same time, drinking from his goblet.

"Just eat your food and pipe down." She told him, crossing her arms.

── ──

Quidditch season was nearing. Each time Oliver Wood would speak to the team, his voice was sounding desperate. It was last and final year at Hogwarts, he needed to make it count. He didn't have any other opportunity after this.

"This is our last chance." He began. "My last chance to win the Quidditch cup. I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it." He strode up and down.

"Gryffindor hasn't won for seven years now." Alicia spoke up.

"Okay, so we've had the worst luck in the world. Injuries, then the tournament getting called off last year. But we also know that we've got the best ruddy team in the school." Wood said as he punched a fist into his other hand.

"We've got three superb chasers!" Wood pointed to Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, and Y/n. Fred nudged Y/n with a smirk. "We've got two unbeatable beaters!"

"Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us!" Fred and George said as they pretended to blush. Y/n nudged Fred with a smirk.

"And we've got a seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" Oliver looked to Harry with a fiery gaze. "And me." He added.

"We think you're very good, Oliver!" Said George. "Spanking good keeper!" Said Fred.

"The point is, the quidditch cup should've had our name on it these last two years. Since Harry joined the team, I thought we had this in the bag. But we haven't got it. And this year's the last chance we'll get to finally see our name on the thing." He spoke dejectedly.

"Oliver, this year's our year." Fred spoke up. "We'll do it, Oliver!" Y/n grinned. "Definitely." Said Harry.

And full of determination, the team started training sessions, 3 evenings a week. The weather was getting colder but nothing could discourage them.

── ──

When they walked back into the common room, everyone was buzzing with excitement.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. "First Hogsmeade weekend." Ron said. "End of October, Halloween." He added on.

"Excellent! I need to visit Zonko's, I'm nearly out of stink pellets." Fred said. Y/n looked to him, elbowing him. "Which I will gladly get for you, since you aren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade." She narrowed her eyes.

Fred and George stared at her before nodding firmly. "Rightt! Of course, how could we forget?" They smiled. Y/n shook her head.

A scene then unfolded before them. Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, had pounced onto Ron and Ron was desperately trying to get it off his bag. When Crookshanks did go flying off, he began to chase after Scabbers who was running off. Ron screamed "catch that cat!".

George flung himself to grab Crookshanks but missed. Scabbers ran under a cabinet and Crookshanks made an effort to catch him but couldn't.

After getting their pets, Ron and Hermione began to argue. After their argument, Ron stormed off to the boys dorms.

Y/n sighed, looking to George. "Had fun?" She asked him. George grinned. "Definitely." Y/n chuckled softly. "Well, I'm heading to bed. Night, boys." She waved to them, making her way to her room.

── ──

"Morning, Professor." Y/n chimed as she walked into McGonogall's office. McGonogall had tea prepped and served. "Good morning, Miss Potter." She replied.

Y/n walked over to her desk, sitting down and picking up a cup of tea and she slowly sipped the hot drink. "I have my Hogsmeade permission form." She spoke up.

"That's good, dear, you can just hand me it now." McGonogall told her. "Professor... I don't think my aunt and uncle signed Harry's form." She spoke up as she pulled out her own form, Molly Weasley's signature on it.

"I'm sorry, Miss Potter. The rules are rules, truly I wish I could do more for him." McGonogall sadly spoke and sipped her tea.

"Cant you sign it? As head of house—" Y/n was cut off. "I am not his legal guardian. I cannot." She said.

"I see." Y/n sighed, sipping her tea. "Would you like a scone?" McGonogall said. Y/n nodded.

The two ladies continued to chat and then they got on with Y/n's lessons.

After her lessons, she headed to the Great Hall for breakfast and enjoyed a day of learning.

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