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── ──

They couldn't say for sure how long they had stayed with Y/n on the floor. But once Y/n had stopped crying, the tears dried, Fred lifted her onto her bed.

The boys couldn't stay long so they had to make their way out. Fred kissed Y/n's forehead and looked to Alicia before he made his way out. "Take care of her." He told her.

Alicia nodded and Fred hesitantly made his way out of the dorm room.

Alicia crawled into bed with Y/n, laying at her side. Y/n stared at nothing, her eyes dull and she didn't speak. Alicia covered them both in a blanket and she hugged the girl, stroking her hair gently.

"I'll stay with you through this night and the next, and the next, and the next." Alicia whispered to her. Y/n didn't respond but she nodded gently, closing her eyes.

── ──

The next day, Y/n's friends had informed Professor McGonogall and Dumbledore of what had happened.

They excused Y/n from classes until Y/n felt fit for them. Usually she would protest, but she didn't have the energy to do it.

'Pull. It. Together.' Y/n kept thinking to herself as she was sat up on her bed. She looked down to her bandaged hands, staring dully at them.

She wanted to punch herself or someone, repeatedly. She didn't like being babied or being seen as weak and that's exactly how everyone else was seeing her.

'Are you okay?' 'How are you feeling?' They kept asking, she wanted them to stop. You have one mental breakdown and all of a sudden you're damaged.

"Hello, love!" Fred came in, with his cheery demeanor yet his eyes showed concerned.

Y/n stared at him, she didn't say anything but she scooted aside on her bed. He took the hint and sat next to her. Both of them stared at nothing as they just sat there.

Fred decided to break the silence. "Uhm... how are you feeling? Can I ask that, am I allowed to ask that?" He didn't know what the right thing to say was.

She found it cute.

"You gotta give me something to work with here, Y/n... I'm worried, we all are." He sighed. "Please, say something..."

"Harry..." her voice was hoarse from not speaking for a while. She cleared her throat and spoke again, "update on Harry?"

Fred looked at her. "He's alright, Madam Pomfrey is keeping him in the infirmary for the week."

Y/n nodded. "Okay..." she then stood up. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked. "To shower. I'm going to see Harry."

"You know, you can't just avoid not talking about it. You can talk to me."

She looked at him and smiled gently. "I know that... I just don't want to. Look, I'm fine now. I was just scared and worried for Harry, but now I'm all better!" She beamed as she began to grin.

Fred wasn't convinced. He stood up. "Alright, well I'll be down in the common room. If you need me..." He walked out and made his way down to the common room.

Y/n made her way to the restroom and she began to get ready for the day.

── ──

Y/n made her way to the infirmary and she saw Harry sitting in his bed.

"Hey, Harry!" She beamed, walking up to his bed and she sat on the edge. "How are you feeling?" She asked him.

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