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── ──

The atmosphere was heavy once they received the letter from Molly. Fred took the letter from George's hands, reading it for himself then turned to stare at Harry.

Ron continuously stared at the back of his mother's letter as though it'd speak words of comfort to him.

Y/n was attempting to comfort herself, by biting her fingernails then proceeded to lightly dig her nails into her arm with the words of reassurance playing into her head. Though the marks of her nails on her arm suggested she was anything but reassured.

"Perhaps you kids should head to bed and I'll alert you when we receive another letter..." Sirius suggested but was met with looks of disgust.

So they all sat around the table.
In silence.
Watching as the flame of the candle flickered, dancing in the dark.

The only times anyone made noise was when they raised a bottle to their lips, the clanking filling the silent room with light sound before disappearing once again.

Someone would ask the time or assure the other that if there was bad news they'd have received it by now.

Time continued to pass.

Fred dozed off as his head fell onto Y/n's shoulder. She laid her head on his, playing with the hangnail that formed from her habit of biting her fingernails. She picked at it, though stopped once she realized she went too far down and instead bit it off, watching her blood slowly begin to appear.

Time continued on as they waited.
Awaiting news that could either change their lives forever or reassure their worries.

At ten past five in the morning, the kitchen door swung open and Molly had burst into the kitchen. Everyone immediately jumped to their feet at her pale figure.

She gave them a warm and tired smile. "He's going to be alright, he's sleeping. We can all go and see him later. Bill's sitting with him now, he's going to take the morning off work."

Y/n exhaled in relief as her and Fred fell back into their chairs. She held a hand on her chest and another on his as he had his hands over his face. Ginny and George went over to hug their mother. Ron laughed shakily and chugged the rest of his Butterbeer.

"Breakfast!" Sirius announced gleefully. "Where's that accursed house-elf? Kreacher! KREACHER!" After no response he huffed in annoyance. "Oh forget it then..." Sirius muttered, counting the people around him. "Breakfast for eight people— let's see, eggs and bacon, tea and toast as well."

Harry walked over to the kitchen and before Y/n could follow after him to help, Fred held onto her hand, looking at her through half lidded eyes. No words were spoken but she knew he wanted her to stay by his side.

So she did.

── ──

After breakfast, everyone fell asleep.
Everyone besides the Potters.

Y/n slowly walked over to Harry before he could retreat to his bedroom. "Harry," she whispered. "Sit with me." She told him as she sat on the stairs, a teacup in hand.

𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 | 𝐟. 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt