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The day was Sunday morning.

Y/n watched as Fred and George bewitched snowballs to hit the window of the Gryffindor common room.

Meanwhile, she had built a snowman. Creeping up behind Fred, she took his scarf, wrapping it around the snowman.

"Oi!" Ron shouted from above. "I am a prefect and if one more snowball hits this window— OUCH!" He went back in to avoid more snowballs hitting him, slamming the window behind him.

Fred and George bellowed in laughter, high-fiving each other.

Sunday had passed by quickly.

And the night ended with Y/n and Fred sneaking out pass curfew, running around the halls of Hogwarts until they reached their destination in the room of requirements.

A romantic and lavish bed had appeared in the middle of the room that set the mood between them. Continuously shushing each other whilst laughing, the two enjoyed a night of passion and loving before they returned at the break of dawn.

── ──

The next morning, at breakfast, Hagrid had finally returned to Hogwarts. Though his grotesque appearance made some students uneasy whilst Lee, George, and Fred had ran over to him, shaking his hand and welcoming him back.

Hagrid's left eye had been reduced to a puffy slit and there was bruising and cuts amidst his face. And the way he walked made Y/n suspect some broken ribs.

Y/n looked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione with a shocking look to see that they did not share her same reaction which she suspected meant that they knew.

She wanted to ask what they knew but the time didn't come as it was now time for class.

── ──

Eventually December came around with more snow and cold to endure.

Y/n did ask her brother about Hagrid's appearance at some point, and he told her, "he was on a mission for the Order. He was attacked by death eaters and giants.", which shocked her and she didn't bother to ask anymore questions.

She found herself in the common room along with the many fifth years preparing for their OWLS whilst she completed any and every homework assignment she had. There was no sound, it was silent in the common room as everyone in there was preparing for something.

Y/n was overworking herself and she knew it but she had plans and future goals to achieve. Her internship with McGonagall was something she very much looked forward to. But, on top of the piles of work she had, she had another thing to worry about;

Finding a Seeker and Beaters.

Tryouts were going to be held soon, she already posted the poster up though with great distaste. And with the holidays coming up, she found herself pondering on the gifts to get her loved ones.

── ──

No matter the weather, Y/n stood in her Quidditch robes alongside Alicia, Katie, and Ron. The four were freezing but they endured it.

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